Mar 26, 2007 12:25
Yesterday I wasn't in much condition to drive, do homework, read, write, see or breathe so for the most part all I did all day was play MapleStory and clean up the apartment with Drew and Andrew (henceforth referred to as "The Andrews" because saying 'and Andrew' is awkward). Now none of that is particularily notable or shocking, well, actually the fact that we cleaned up the day after a party is pretty notable but that's another plus to Andrew living with us now. However, while I was playing Maple in a hungover haze something truly bizarre did happen though, something I never expected in the least or had any idea about how to react to at all.
I got asked out via MapleStory.
I was wandering around Lith Harbor and walked by this level 22 red-headed crossbow wielding chick named koynichi or something like that. 'She' requested a trade and I figured 'she' was trying to sell me something or say 'Lvlmefreeplz' or ask for money. Instead, this is how it transpired -
koynichi: Want to be my boyfriend?
koynichi: =)
koynichi: I'm cute =)
koynichi: You're cute
koynichi: =)
koynichi: Well?
VicDestructo: I kinda already have something going on, thanks though :)
I quickly closed the window and walked away. What just happened? I was forced into a moment of self-actualization, which has a tendency to be traumatizing.
Granted, in MapleStory two characters can get married. They can have a little wedding with your online buddies and guildmates all in attendance. I don't know what the benefits are of this (tax-breaks perhaps?) but I always see announcements for the weddings so there must be something there. And perhaps this person just wanted a marriage partner for the untold and unforeseen benefits and not an actual relationship, but really, it didn't really seem like something to take a chance on.
Why would anyone ask someone out that they, literally, just saw online? Not even spoken or communicated to in any form, just saw. And it's not like this individual actually saw me they saw a inch and a half tall sprite wearing a blue bamboo rice farmer hat, Japanese robes, holding a pitchfork and had a flying golden pig following him (thanks Alan). I couldn't shake the idea that this person was probably a guy playing a female character (hey look I'll put lots of smiley faces and say teehee and that makes me a girl!). The idea of cheating on my actual girlfriend with a man posing as a virtual woman in a 2-D MMORPG is too traumatizing to even verbalize here.
Was this sick little encounter a reflection of female socio-biological patterns throughout history, albeit on a much smaller scale? This female was a low level bow user with no guild, pet, or presumably much money. I am a spearman with good gear (for my level), a pet, and a guild. Was this just another instance of a woman seeking a man with power and money? A woman wanting someone to take care of them financially and security-wise? Is that whole element of dating so deeply ingrained from a socio-biological and socio-cultural standpoint that it's inescapable even in this realm? Is there no haven left?
Or am I just completely blowing this out of proportion?
Even if I didn't have a girlfriend here in reality, I wouldn't have one in an MMORPG.