shaking Jaejoong's hand + we got into allkpop!

Nov 05, 2012 08:20

gosh what can i say? i didn't even know whether i could make it to Jaejoong's fanmeet on Saturday due to clashed time with a cousin's wedding. so i was estatic when i got the green light an hour before the event started! whilst on the way friends were updating me about his condition and i felt a little upset. but knowing that he was gonna shake our hands & take group pics lifted mood up a little keke

the fanmeet started an hour late as expected from cjes, and gosh when JJ came to stage he looked much thinner than last time i saw him in Seoul this year. he really didn't speak a word, using ipad as a communicator tool the whole time during talk kinda broke my heart since his poker face was on during the whole time, he barely smiled & i'm guessing he's holding back the pain from his flu >___< during Living Like A Dream fans sang for him & MC said he was facing his back at us during the whole time cuz he didn't want us to see him in pain. the cameramen caught his expression for a while though and he looked terribly sad. gosh those beautiful eyes just speaks a thousand words.

Jaejoong's mood changed for the better when the hi-five segment started. i think interacting with his fans directly cheered him up since we were so enthusiastic especially since i'm guessing there's a lot of first timers to see him ^__^ truth be told i was worried about him the whole time, afraid he might faint or something cuz he went back & forth from the photo taking spot to hi-five spot AT LEAST 50 times. but he's a lot stronger than he looks, thus despite the light fever he's having he struggled on to fulfill his promise T_T MC & staff kept telling him over & over again to hi-five but it's Jaejoong himself who insisted on shaking hands gosh i love this guy sfm T_T

when it was my turn to shake his hands, he was smiling *_* his hands were so soft. despite this being my 7th time seeing him, my impression of him never changes. the living doll, so very fair & beautiful even in sickness he still shines. i was surprised media picked our group photos to be featured in various articles XDD i'm on his furthest left side the one in pink dress looking at him retardedly instead of the camera =__= but since it's my 2nd photoshoot with JJ i'm gonna live with it lol /gets bricked

our cute Kitty cards

thank you for your professionalism Jaejoong, for another memorable night & for being our inspirations! GET WELL SOON ♥

dbsk fan account

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