Wow, I've been insanely busy the last couple of months. I need to do an update at some point, 'cause some of it has been kinda cool.
And how glad are we that primaries are effectively over? I almost feel like I've run the race myself. I almost wish everyone had voted on Super Tuesday and just gotten it over with.
I did end up signing up for
gateverse_remix and *gasp* I've already started writing on it. It's only about 50 words or so, but still... I managed to take a possibly throw away line of dialog in one of my person's fics and run away with it. I need to look at the rules again before I get too involved to make sure that it's okay for my fic to have as little to do with the original fic as I foresee mine being.
Also, do I have any Rodney McKay experts on my flist? I don't watch Atlantis quite as dedicatedly or as closely as I do SG1. There are some nitpicky things in his personal canon that I'd like to discuss with someone if they'd be willing. : )