1. I've been avoiding my computer and *gasp* have actually been doing real world type activities. Part of the avoidance stems from having to sit in front of a computer for 8 hours a day at work and not being terribly happy there. I've even been writing fic on paper and then typing it up at work when I've been avoiding doing things. But home computer use has been very limited. I'll recount my real world adventures later.
2. I've finally got my idea for the
dark_gate ficathon nailed down. Now I just have start writing in earnest. I've got a paragraph or two already. My fics usually seem to end up spiraling out of control until I get burnt out on them which is why I have four unfinished fics out there. I have a tough time writing short fics with substance. I really want this on to be a tight, concise fic. We'll see how it works out.
3. Does anybody know what's with the sudden influx of fics at
Sam and Jack Always that have Sam and Jack in three-or-more-somes or have slash in them? Sometimes I'm in the mood for OT3, slash not so much other than curiosity and to attempt to understand why so many people get excited about it. But I go to specific site for those as I go to this site specifically for S/J het. Maybe I'm being really picky but when I go to something called Sam and Jack Always I expect to find fic with Sam and Jack having sex with each other, not everybody and his brother. I understand in the plot of a fic they maybe with other people and have sex with them, that's fine and can make for good angst. But PWP where every member of SG-1 past and present (except Jonas) is having group sex in the briefing room? It just makes me wonder if there isn't a better place for that kind of fic.
4. On the note of fic that I find strange: Real People fic or OTPing. I so don't get it. I see a lot of squeeing over Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz in Bones communities as if people are actually shipping the actors instead of the characters. I notice that
sg1_debriefhas been listing fics about the Stargate actors being in relationships with each other. It seems a little odd and disrespectful to me. Now I'm very fond of most the actors on the show, but I'm just really disturbed by fics that put them in relationships with each other. I even read a couple to make sure they were as creepy as I thought they would be. Maybe it's just me being on a bitchfest tonight, but can't we just leave the actors alone and concentrate on the characters?
OMG! Hodgins asked Angela out! Awwww, he took her to play on the swings. And they kissed. Woot! But, no there's anst at the end. *Sigh* Okay, they are my new favorite OTP.
Ooh, intense Booth/Brennan UST at the end. And he ditched Cam to help Brennan write a report and eat stale donuts and Thai food. Happy days.
On a side note I find children's beauty pageants very creepy.
Next week's episode looks fun. Undercover in Vegas. Coolness.