Dear devil wine makers,
As I begin to write this, I am not sure if this is a fan letter or a
letter of complaint. All I know is that your wine made me get drunk,
and I fell on my ass.
It was all going so well last night at Brad's pink house birthday
party. Booze was flowing, conversation abounded, and asses were grabbed
and tested for their firmness quality. I think it was a perfect way to
welcome Brad's 34th year on the pretty planet.
The night turned remotely grim, however, when your wine, which I had
been drinking penty of, helped contribute to my lack of skill when
walking on patches of ice. As we ran to the cab to head downtown for
the goth night's 80s party, I slipped and fell directly on my ass.
However, being the drunk genius I am, I tried to catch myself. Instead,
I landed my entire body weight on my left hand and right wrist. Ouch!
Today, I can barely grip anything. You should have seen me tried to
grab a cup of coffee at T-Ho's. How embarassing to whince in pain as
the T-Ho's girl hands you a double-double. You have no idea how painful
typing this is, too. I am thinking I need to drink more of your product
to forget this ordeal, but I don't think I could actually open another
bottle, because I am remotely debilitated at the moment.
There were other things you made me do, as well. I briefly mentioned
the ass grabbing at the beginning of this. You know the devil wine made
me do it. The contest where we felt and rubbed hairy bellies and bare
asses was also your idea. I wonder if anyone else from the party
remembers that?
At Stage Nine, you made me drink beer. You made me act very cocky to a
guy who once asked if he could suck my toes. When asked why we never
hooked up, I gestured to the geeky man in the darling blue cardigan
standing to my right and winked. I realized this morning, that probably
came off as uber cocky, but I imagine it gave my boyfriend's
self-esteem a nice boost. For that small favour, I thank you.
You also made me run across the street to the King of Donairs and order
a bag of garlic bread, which I devoured in a matter of seconds.
However, this morning, I am grateful to you for that. I think had you
not made me eat an entire bag of bread, I might have been horribly hung
over today.
I realize there is a symbolic warning on the label of the wine ith the
devil's head, but may I suggest a written warning to accompany it for
idiots like me? It could be very simple:
"This wine has been prepared for you by Satan. Drink with caution, for you may sell your soul to him or become a drunk asshole."
the library girl