Aug 24, 2012 18:49
At one time, I had thought and hoped that maybe, just maybe, there could and maybe might even actually be a reasoned place of discussion about politics. However it very quickly became apparent that a reasoned scenaria does not least not on the internet, and I am beginning to doubt that it does anywhere.
Oh, I think most of the more or less liberal rhetoric makes sense, and I very often agree with it. But very rarely do I encounter real discussion..or when both sides of the aisle are present, (as opposed to just liberals where we tend to more or less agree on many if not all issues) the result is insults and bad mouthing.
When will people learn, that the way to presaude me, or most people I suspect, of the errors of Obama is NOT to declare him a "godless communist anti-american"..just emotional ladden words more likely to convince me that the person speaking is either rasicist or just an irrational hater of Obama if not both. What, o conservative side of the house, would you do instead? I mean, besides voting against Obama and threatening to impreach him, and the more nasty of you threatening or at least hinting at volence in your efforts to "rid the country of his ilk". Yes, I have read such statements.
Bullcrap all. Lets face it, I will never support the Republican party..and certainly not the Tea Party as long as I continue to hear idiocy like:
1. turn the clock back to the orginal 10 amendments to the constitution
2. Anti worker (read that as anti-union) rhetoric while refusing to address the issue of big business and their much HUGER excesses. Unions werent the ones that continued to give top executives bonuses in the millions while they drove the company into bankrupcy.
3. denials of rasicsm while yelling at the top of their lungs about how wrong and evil the NAACP and those like Acorn that had the goal of helping people (I understand the Acorn organization did some horrible things..but the orginal purpose was good) Hate the abuse, rightly, but understand the need to reach out and do things to help those who are disadvantaged, or forget about being considered compassionate or caring on any level.
4. insults against those who are struggling to have a better ecology....I dont care if you believe in "Global Warming" or not, I would like to continue to be able to breath..with much more increase in the pollution levels I am afraid I cant.
5. the attitude that money is the most important thing. It is NOT. It is not more important than human rights (which in many cases have to be enforced from the top down). It is NOT more important than the fair treatment of workers. Something business simply has no interest in...especially if you look at the large corporations like the one I work for. (been there see it everyday)
6. Oh and lets not forget the "talking points" problem. Do try and be educated about what you are really stand for. The Civil Rights effort was LIBERAL, and also REPUBLICAN because in many cases the democrats were actually know, the very people who switched over to the Republican party later. To accuse Democrats of being Liberals and also anti-Civil Rights without recognizating the full picture just makes you look like a dimwit and makes us "on the left" chuckle in amazement at your failure of the grasp of simple reasoning.
Sure, the "left" is on occasion guilty of slanting information their way, but then we all slant things "our way". That is what it means to have an opinion. The Right does nothing to convince anybody other than those that dont pay attention to what the so called "right" has done when in power (like for example Bush W as president for 8 years). The rest of us are just more and more likely to vote, and work for the Democrats other words every piece of rhetoric from the hate filled right is just fueling our own resistance to their hateful agenda.
Yes, folks, the more I read, the more I am likely to move further and further from the middle toward the liberal end, if only in reaction to the bigotry and hatred from the "Right". And not only likely but LESS willing to even give them a hearing. Hmmm, perhaps that was NOT their goal, but whether or not it was, they have pretty much achieved it!!