Sep 20, 2012 22:31
I guess this qualifies as a political rant and some of you might find it offensive, especially if you are in the so called GLBT movement. But I definitely have a craw in my throat and here is my bully pulpit to express myself. . I am not sure why it is bothering me so much right now, I guess observation, and recent events in my greater orbit on the internet perhaps. But somehow it just irks me to what groups fighting for fair treatment for themselves turn around and criticize other people and basically reject rights for them.
I guess it comes down to a matter of what the goal of the person or group is. Is it a true change in society' attitudes or is it merely to somehow be able to assimilate, while keeping whatever uniqueness the particular person or group wants to keep for themselves.
Where is this seen? Well, you will often see Gays and Lesbians who advocate full inclusion for themselves. A worthy goal in society. But then they will say things like "if only those loud over-dramatic drag queens would shut up...they give us a bad name". Really!!! In other words, let's just be accepted as men who love men, or women who love woman, with every other thing exactly the same as the wider community. So how radical is that? Not very.
Then you have the Transgendered community that wants "decent" crossdressers/transexuals to be accepted and lament the "damage" done by people like RuPaul...or those that dont pass, or fit in in terms of sterotypical apparel. The question becomes what are we to do about those people who dress in ways that others may not think is appropriate to their for example. I tend to dress a bit more "up" than is appropriate for many the mall etc. I dont go to malls but still.....the point is made.
As long as this is the attitude that we go into things with, there will never be true change in society. The point is that EVERYBODY should be able to be themselves. That includes me, if I want to wear a beard and a dress, or paint my eyes flamboyantly and have fun. Either that, or there is no real acceptance.
Because lets face it if the "freaks" are not accepted, all that means is that people are in negotiation about how much difference can be allowed. Ok, the bargaining goes, is it ok if I love a person of my gender, or dress in the apparel of the opposing gender, if I watch my p's and q's and am a good little boy or girl in every other way.
Such an approach to "liberation" never addresses the real issue..which is that everybody should be able to pursue happiness in the way that best suits them, be it flamboyant, popular or otherwise. In short, a liberation action that doesn't include all the "freaks" really doesnt do much for liberation at all. This has happened with so many so called liberation groups through out history. The liberation fought for ends up being that which a certain group wants, and to heck with everybody else.
Shame shame, to all the so called liberation actions that have bought into the assimilistic model and sold out their birthright!!!!!!