I've been online since the early 1980s but didn’t join Live Journal until Star Trek XI ate my brain and I wanted an account to comment instead of anonymously. And I learned about icons. And with a paid account I could have more icons! Icons always taken with permission, credit, and a comment reply so the icon creators know where their icons went.
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/strange stalkery comment
LOL, no, you're good. Yay for SCA! I'm in the West on the border between the Mists and Cynague but when I retire (what, counting the days, who, me?) I'm moving to western An Tir where one of my oldest bestest friends lives. I like your icon, it's not ridiculous at all. I did years in a guild at Ren Faire pre-SCA and nothing SCAdian could top the stuff I saw at Faire for ridiculous :)
Sometimes it feels like I've been a Trek fan all my life. I watched TOS first run while I was in high school, and now I'm planning for retirement in just five years! Having Spock/Uhura (my very first ship) become canon after forty three years is too lovely for words.
My brain is your brain, feel free to pick my brain all you want. Actually, raises hand ... opininated Democrat always willing to discuss opinions and assess new information, bisexual, occasionally snarks, leaves long fanfic comments, owns a pewter cup and too many really long shapeless linen chemises? Possibly it's already your brain:) However, ships Kirk/McCoy but does not ship Chris/Karl, instead ships Chris/Zach, so possibly we share half a brain :)
LOL, I was seduced by the smart & dorkish BFFs glory vibe of the Pinto interviews, does it help that I ship Kirk/McCoy? :)
Retirement planning, yes, I'm 57 so five more years. Once my parents are gone I won't have any family left here, and one of my dearest friends lives in Silverdale, so yeah, retire to WA in five years is the plan.
62nd birthday + one day = pension AND me retired :)
NICE. Silverdale is part of the first Barony that adopted me and they are still probably my favorite (uh don't tell my current barony, lol). They are amazing. <3<3<3
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