(no subject)

Jul 01, 2020 02:56

I've been online since the early 1980s but didn’t join Live Journal until Star Trek XI ate my brain and I wanted an account to comment instead of anonymously. And I learned about icons. And with a paid account I could have more icons! Icons always taken with permission, credit, and a comment reply so the icon creators know where their icons went. So yeah, here I am.

My obsession with STXI took me totally by surprise and I'm so happy it did because it got me back into fandom. I'd been a Trek fan since the first episode back in Sept 1966 and about all I was hoping for from JJ Abrams was a decent movie that didn't make me cringe. Holy shit. Um, yeah. I saw it a lot of times. More than a lot of times, actually. Final count was 18 times. Pine & Zachery Quinto were utterly adorable and adorkable together in all those interviews.

And always there was Spock/Uhura. STXI made my very first ship canon after 45+ years. And two amazing fanfic writers turned me into a major Kirk/McCoy shipper. CeresLibera (Switch) and AnneHiggins (Bring It On series). Mcstories wrote Chekov/Cupcake which sounds insane but totally worked. Anodyna wrote Gaila/SpockPrime which also worked splendidly. And Waldorph wrote A Beautifully (il)Logical Mind which convinced me that a close AU Kirk/Spock could work. So it was really only a small step to Seperis and You'll Get There which convinced me that post-STXI canon-compliant Kirk/Spock can also work for me.

Someone in a Trek discussion mentioned Stargate Atlantis and linked to Astolat’s A Beautiful Lifetime Event and wheeeee! SGA ate the rest of my brain. I ship Sheppard/McKay big time. SGA had a wonderful premise, great characters, wide open possibilities for gen fics as well as relationship fics, all inspired by episodes that range from truly amazing to what-the-fuck-were-the-writers-thinking and did they even watch their own show?

I became a Glee fan in their second season and Kurt/Blaine became my latest OTP. I'm still watching and no longer convinced the writer/producer staff think they're writing a cartoon on crack.

I saw on AO3 that a favorite Stargate writer also writes PotterVerse fic and that was my introduction to post-series EWE (epilogue what epilogue) fanfic. And my flist discovered Teen Wolf and Stiles/Derek so there you go.

And then there was Mementis and her seriously wonderful 365 days of daily fic recs in 2012. Thank you so much!!! She got me hooked on so much amazing fic (and the shows/movies) for Generation Kill, Suits, Inception, Supernatural, Jared/Jensen, Sherlock BBC, and The Losers.

Late in her recs there was also marvelous Hockey RPF and months later I said I think I'll watch the beginning of the 2013 playoffs to see what games are like and discovered I really like the actual game of hockey. I have a favorite team and a dozen others I root for and I'm even following major junior players. I have what will be a lifelong interest in hockey so yay and thank you again to Mementis.

But still ...

Then and now, forever and always, TOS AU and STXI canon, I ship Spock & Uhura.

They were my first ship and I still tend to be a shipper, not a slasher. Back in the day I shipped TOS Spock & Uhura and then realized it was going to be AU and I didn't care. And yay, STXI made it canon! 45+ years for a ship to become canon is probably a record :)

I adore well-written fanfic. I read some really awful K/S fanfic back in the day and it was at least 20 years before I read any more fanfic. I'm cursed with a really good ear for dialogue and consistent author voice in narrative, and a very good feel for in-character actions and motives but I can't plot worth shit. At all. So everything I write is all in my head, and it's all turning points with nothing to link them together.

TV shows in no particular order: TOS, TNG, DS9, Eureka, Buffy, Angel, Big Bang Theory, NCIS, Numbers, Bones, Castle, CSI (until Grissom left), CSI:NY, The West Wing, M*A*S*H, X-Files, Remington Steele, MacGyver, Farscape, Warriors and Wizards, Stargate, Highlander, Beauty and the Beast, St Elsewhere, ER, Hill Street Blues, Magnum PI, As Time Goes By, Dancing with the Stars, Ace of Cakes, Good Eats, Barefoot Contessa, Iron Chef America, Diners Drive-ins & Dives, BBC World News, Stargate Atlantis, NCIS:LA, Hawaii 50, Glee, Teen Wolf, Elementary, BBC Sherlock.

I read mostly science fiction and mysteries, plus a few romances. All of my book purchases have been ebooks for years. These days my reading is about evenly split between books and fanfic.

The only organizations I belong to are SCA, RWA, and Friends of the Library. This will probably be my first and last post on my own LJ, so this is me.

kirk & mccoy, personal, sheppard & mckay, st reboot, sga, stxi, spock & uhura
