$!$ Mega Money Monday $!$

Feb 21, 2005 11:36

Howdy. Been a while since I wrote in this thing here. Gotta keep this crap updated waaay more often.

Im at work right now slacking off. Holy deuce is it ever slow. I guess thats what happens when you work Family Day. Really don't wanna be here, but I have renamed today. I have dubbed it Mega Money Monday I get double time and a half, so I shouldn't really complain. Looks like I'm going to need this money too because I lost my phone last night!! I think it might be in the snow somewhere in Bowness. I jumped a few fences last night, so I'm thinking its probably around there somewhere, so I've got a bit of a drive tonight to look around for my phone in the dark. Weee!! *shoots self*

Other than losing the phone, the weekend was pretty good. Went to Jesse's Shindig Friday night. It was arrite. Ran off more than once though. Saw Shalane and Sam there before their road trip. They should be in Cali right about now I think. Luckyyyyyyy...
Got to chat with Melissa for the first time in about a million years. It was great! Good to hear she's doing well. We're gonna have to hook up sometime soon kiddo. Can't be that long before we see each other again!
Bad thing about Friday is that I totally ditched on my friend's Kegger in Olds. I've pretty much known this guy since I was a fetus, and I feel bad. Whats worse is that I havent seen his new place, and he's lived there since August. Basically, I'm a friggin' dick. I'm supposed to be his best friend and here I am blowing off his party he invited me to. About 150 people I didn't know were gonna be there gettin crazy, so I didn't think he would miss me, but at about 4 in the morning he left me several angry voicemails on my cell. Guilllt Triiiip. I called him in the morning and he said it was cool, but I think this weekend I am definately going to have to go out there or something. Maybe Friday night. I dunno.

Saturday I basically did nothing. I had to get up early to drove my mom to the airport for her trip to Ottawa, and then picked up my Early November cd that I had placed on order in October. I completely forgot about it, so when I heard they got it in I was super stoked. I went to Chinook with my mom's car right when it opened and grabbed it right away. Its the hotness. Love that record. Then, the rest of the day I played guitar. I thought I had come up with a sweet song myself, but as it turns out I just jacked up a song that Steve wrote and played for me 3 days earlier. Gotta hate that. I was pretty bummed because I thought I was onto something, but I just stole something. Haha owell.

Had an audition for Centre St. Church worship band Sunday. Its for the young adults church on wednesday nights. I prepared a few songs to do for the audition, but they had songs already there for me to play. Kinda threw a curve ball, but I thought I did pretty well. I should probably know by Wednesday if they want me in the band or not.

Anyway. I dunno what else to type. That killed a bit of time out of my day. Right on. I think I'm gonna go play like, pinball or something now, since they locked the room where Halo2 is in the office. (bastards!!)

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