OOC: Game Mechanics--Character Sheet

Dec 27, 2005 16:06

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Alison Catriona

Concept: Helping HandLegacies: Aspirant/CerenaicSeeming: Wilder
Court: Seelie (mostly)Romantic Legacies: Jongleur/GamesterKith: Sidhe
House: FionaPolitical Impulse: ModernistSociety: Cat’s Cradle


Strength 3Charisma 4 (cute)Perception 3
Dexterity 3Manipulation 2Intelligence 3
Stamina 3Appearance 7 (adorable) Wits 3


Alertness 2Acrobatics 1Area (Boston) 1
Athletics 2Blind Fighting 1Computer 2
Art. Exp. 3Camoflage 1Cryptography 1
Brawl 1Climbing 1Dream Lore 1
Carousing 2Cooking/Baking 1Enigmas 1
Diplomacy 2 Crafts 1Gremayre 3
Dodge 1Dancing 2Heraldry 1
Empathy 2Disguise 1History 2
Intrigue 1Escapology 1Investigation 1
Kenning 3Etiquette 3Law 1
Persuasion 1Game Playing 1Linguistics 2
Seduction 3Leadership 2Literature 2
Sense Deception 1Melee 2Lore 2 (Changelings)
Streetwise 1Performance 1Lore 2 (Shifters)
Style 2Security 1Lore 1 (Vampires)
Subterfuge 1Stealth 1Lore 1 (Wraiths)
.Survival 1 Medicine 2
.Swimming 1Poisons 1
.Temporal Sense 1Politics 2
..Psychology 1
..Science 1
..Sleight-of-Hand 1


Contacts 1Chicanery 3Actor 3
Mentor 4Chronos 4Fae 5
.Dream-Craft 1Nature 2
.Empathy 1Prop 3
.Legerdemain 3Scene 1
.Primal 4.
.Sovereign 1.
.Soothsay 3.
.Wayfare 3.

Glamour 5 (4)
Willpower 4 (2)
Banality 3 (1)

Threshhold Helping Those in Need
Common SenseAddiction: Chocolate
True LoveCleared Mists
Seeming’s BlessingInfamous Mentor
. Masochism

Awe and Beauty
Sidhe get two extra dots of Appearance during character creation, even if this increases scores above 5. They cannot help but stand out in a crowd.

The fury of a sidhe scorned is a majestic and terrifying sight. When one is impassioned, all of her Social rolls (especially Empathy or Intimidation rolls) are at a -2 difficulty. Anyone who tries to attack an angry sidhe head-on must make a Willpower roll; the difficulty ranges from a 6 (for the average sidhe) to an 8 or 9 (for one of suitably high station).

These abilities only affect other Kithain and the enchanted, unless the sidhe calls upon the Wyrd.

Noble Bearing
Whether heroes or villains, all sidhe are dignified. Any cantrip that would directly make them look foolish immediately fails.

Sidhe cannot botch Etiquette rolls.

Banality’s Curse
Sidhe are truly not of this world. The taint of Banality affects them more strongly than it does other fae. Each temporary point of Banality that a highborn gains becomes two points. If a sidhe character must make a roll at a difficulty equal to her Banality (or a roll that’s resisted by Banality), treat it as one level higher.

Sidhe are also prone to fights of depression. The weakest of them can overcome these fits by changing their Legacies back and forth. When this happens, the spell must last at least from moonrise to moonrise or sunset to sunset. Strong-willed sidhe escape this mania be retreating further into the Legacies; Seelie become impossibly idealistic and Unseelie sink to the very depths of villainy. Their great extremes can make them almost unendurable.

House Boon
Defiant to the last, Fiona sidhe are renowned for their great courage. Though they understand fear, it does not control them, even in the face of death. Any attempt, natural or magical, to generate fear in them automatically fails. Only threats to a lover’s life can frighten a Fiona, and they often succeed very well.

House Flaw
Sidhe of this house have an overpowering attraction to danger. Even if the object of their pleasure is somewhat safe, they can find a way to make it dangerous. This is especially true of their romantic trysts, which are usually epic and almost always tragic. Creatures of pure ethereal beauty, they tend to fall in love with outlaws, strangers, wanderers, mortals and other “unacceptable” types. Often such loves become true and complete passions that cannot be denied. Some of them overcome this Flaw [rest of rule ignored because I said so ;P]

Ali is a member of the Cat’s Cradle and is working towards membership in the Golden Sickle.

Edit: Empathy is an Art I've made up myself. First level is "Heart to Heart". It allows the caster to open the target's heart to the true feelings of those the target is in contact with for a short while.

She speaks French and Japanese.

(last updated 4/6/06)

ooc, game

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