Friday Questions

Oct 24, 2008 22:59

When did you last...
1. scrounge for change (couch, ashtray, ect) to make a purchase?
Um...well, I try to use exact change when I'm buying something small, like coffee. Does searching my purse count?

2. visit a dentist?
For myself? Last spring. For the cavities of certain overly-sugared children? No comment.

3. make a needed change to your life?
Oh, just recently, when I was asked a very lovely question to which I very enthusiastically agreed.

4. decide on a complete menu well in advance of the evening meal?
I decide on menus all the time. But that doesn't mean I won't change my mind again later as situations change.

5. spend part of the day (other than daily hygiene) totally/mostly naked?
Everybody who needs to know that was probably there.

friday 5

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