Things to do with Egg Whites

Jun 12, 2007 21:06

I only need so many facials. So:
Next time, I'll plan this part before I use all the egg yolks. But it was an enjoyable way to spend the afternoon, and the goslings had fun helping. We learned all about measuring with teaspoons and tablespoons, and how to weigh things with the kitchen scale, and how to dust with flour and sugar and not fill the pan.

People are coming back. That's always nice. Jas missed our anniversary, but at least I got to see him and Spider. Ed is back too. I just wish it had been to better news. But he was able to find time to visit for breakfast. I'm really glad the whole family got to see him.

Jas spent a lovely afternoon telling Alured about his shinies. He's doing so well with Alured, now. If I were slightly more an idiot than I am, it'd give me hope... But I don't dare hope because he doesn't love me that much.

There have been new people, too. A charming stranger named Frea decided we needed to dance. It was nice to dance again. He's hoping to have a party sometime soon. I met a nice fellow named Fred who puts zucchini in his chocolate cake. It's really good. I brought a whole one home, and sent some off to Quetz for his inspection. I've also met a Guillame, who seems confused by democracy. He could practically be family on that alone. Ichabod Crane found the Nexus. He doesn't believe in Headless Horsemen. Poor fool. I think Samus and I might have been a little mean to him...

The Hatchlings have been around a few times: first, they brought goods to trade And poor Ephram, being forced into ridiculous bridal attendant clothing. And now, he's a cat.

I got some lovely mithral chainmail from a vending machine. Such odd things for sale in the Nexus. It fits like a dream, though, and I like the leaf details. So fitting.

fred, too much free time, ed, spider, ephram, jas, shinies, ichabod crane, frea, hatchlings, quetz, goslings, food, samus

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