The Fun Part of June

Jun 19, 2009 10:47

Hooray for Friday. This hasn't been a difficult week or anything, but I'm glad to have finally arrived at the end of it. I'm looking forward to this weekend and next. This is that part of June that has fun stuff going on here in the Lansing area.

This evening and tomorrow afternoon/evening, East Lansing is holding its Summer Solstice Jazz Festival. This is a free, outdoor concert in the middle of downtown. I always look forward to this little event. I plan to check it out right after work today. In previous years, this event was held on the same weekend as the Festival of the Sun, which I always enjoy and make every effort to attend. The bummer is that I want to attend both, but I end up going to the Jazz event on Friday night and the Festival of the Sun on Saturday. Somehow, the powers that be have seen reason and they scheduled these two events on back-to-back weekends instead of the same weekend. That's more like it!

I have three things going on this weekend and they all happen tomorrow:

I plan to enjoy jazz tonight and tomorrow. The only problem I see is that there is a thunderstorm forecasted for this evening and a fair chance of rain tomorrow.
The concert will still take place, but there's only so much seating under the tent. I'll have to play this one by ear.

I also plan to attend another photo seminar early tomorrow morning. This is being offered in the same place as the last two I attended. I already have my camera set to go.

I also got word that there is a motorcycle rally near downtown Lansing tomorrow afternoon. I don't really get into motorcycles, but I'd like to try my hand at photographing them. (I've seen some really nice HDR compositions of motorcycles on Flickr.) If the weather isn't too foreboding, then I will check that out too. This will be starting in the early afternoon, right after my seminar gets out.

I'm very excited for next weekend. I have had the Festival of the Sun on my calendar since last year, and I've told all my friends about it. There is a Friday night part of the event called Festival of the Moon. I never go to that because the hours are shorter, the musical line-up isn't as good as Saturday, and I'm always at the jazz festival on Friday night. This year, I signed up to volunteer at the Festival of the Moon. I expect that I will be assigned to pouring wine or selling tickets. I have to attend a meeting on Tuesday to train for the volunteering. This will earn me a free t-shirt and a discount admission to the Saturday part.


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