Life's little quirks

Sep 18, 2008 21:07

Sometimes life just wants to make things interesting (not necessarily in a bad way) I think. Maybe it's just trying to rebalance some of the awful-ness that has been work since I've got back from the holiday...

Edit: 9:50PM Think this should go under a cut so you don't have to scroll through so much... does so

It began last weekend. Alex knows I've wanted a kitchen hutch arrangement for a while. On the weekend there was one on e-bay going pretty damn cheap in Sydney (I'm 95% confident it's going cheap b/c it's veneer but it looks in good condition so I don't mind). We do the buy it now price and it's ours, and arrange to pick it up this weekend to come.
A bit later Alex shows me a picture and the name/alias of the seller. There was some movement amongst the mental cogs, and I tell Alex I think it's someone I used to work with. Indeed a little research - a google search and a facebook comparing the sellers photos with some more recent photos - show it seems very likely indeed.
Well I called the this old boss (of types) from Mac Uni library (who is on my facebook) and indeed it is her.
How weird... but cool...
Only it gets more interesting tonight, as I call dad to give him the address (as he will be helping us to get it from this girl's place back to our place). Dad laughs and tells me he's driven past it many times - the house is 2 doors down from somewhere my mother lived when growing up (or at least as a late teen/early 20s year old).
Oh well, least he knows where he's going.

The other interesting side of things is I have a new cousin. Well maybe she's mum's cousin (or half-cousin if that's possible) actually, and she's new in the sense that I have only "met" her (online communication counts as meeting right??) as of monday.
My mother's grandmother - on her father's side - had three husbands and outlived all of them. She also had children to the first two husbands. Or rather she had one son to the second husband (my grandfather), and three daughters to the first. The first of these daughters had a family reasonably young (at least by today's standards) but then also died young. One daughter and one son are still a mystery, one I knew went back to live with her grandmother (and half uncle - my grandfather) and the other mystery daughter is this new cousin's mother who was sent off to live with her aunt, where she grew up and although never formally adopted was known as said aunt's third child.
If you followed that last paragraph well done. I've been drawing pictures of it to show myself how it all fits in.
It's also interesting because my mother knows some of these cousin's but apparently not all (she met the one who grew up with my grandfather and great grandmother at another cousin's funeral). And it's exciting for mum especially as she has a limited amount of close (by blood) family still alive* - her father, sister, mother and nephew are all gone, and have been for a while.
So now every day this week, this woman and I have been emailing back and forth.
^__^ genealogy may be a weird hobby for someone in their 20s but it's still so rewarding.

In case anyone's wondering... Work sucks. I need admin time. I don't get admin time. The doctors wonder why I'm not getting reports done sooner, the clients wonder why I'm occasionally getting an order muddled (or worse still forget about it)... it's because various receptionists don't know/care to understand that as I have only myself to type my reports and to do my case notes for *every* person I see that I can't see back to back people for weeks on end without a big back log instead.
I did mention it to the boss, within a week of getting back. He's not interested it seems, and I'm not about to try and not do it to make a point (because it'll just annoy the doctors which I don't want). Still I've been trying to make sure I don't just keep working through my lunch break. After all, according to my contract I don't get paid for my lunch breaks.
Then again, I also don't get paid to receive calls from his wife at 7:40-something to answer calls about various files that she is going through at that time.

Right ok... now that bitchiness is out of the way...

Going to see inlaws later this weekend. I will say nothing further on this matter, only that my father in law is asking us to bring 12L of a certain kind of sherry with us. Yes 12 litres. Nothing more to say.

I still have done nothing more with the photos from our holiday. Although I think I know which ones I will be printing out. I just have to actually find the time to get them printed. And then I can stick them into albums. I'm also beginning to prepare to upload them online. Only... should I upload all 2000+ of them, or should I cull that too. Spacewise it isn't a problem, as it's on a computer under the stairs... it's just what people would prefer to go through. Thoughts??

Lastly one final coincidence... Last weekend elfinblaze came over to finish off her tax. In one of our many varied conversational topics we came to realise that a piece of software came from the website of one of the people from my flist here (one mr halspacejock ). Sometimes the smallness of this world suprises me... and I guess it's only going to seem smaller the more I see.

* in comparision to my father who has more close blood relatives alive, but for various reasons they aren't a big part of our lives.

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