Apr 07, 2008 13:25

Well, we received a letter from DSS Child Protective Services this weekend regarding an investigation including both Olivia and Chandler. *takes a deep breath*

Stew called them this morning. And he relayed the information to me. The situation is this: They are having a meeting Friday with Chandler's school and the X regarding his absences that total about 40 days. Yes, 40 DAYS!!! That is 8 weeks of school he has missed this year. So they're meeting to talk about that. They are also investigating why Olivia is not homebound. That's right, we were lied to about that. Her doctor, who has homebound several other children and is therefore familiar with the process, has not made any movement to do this with Olivia. Additionally, her mother has not gotten together the necessary paperwork to make this happen and according to the lady with DSS, she keeps giving them excuse after excuse for why she can't get this accomplished (her mom has cancer, her job, etc etc). Basically, the DSS lady smells Bullshit and is holding the X accountable, so that's good. The diagnosis of Olivia's stomach problems being stress related has never been made, and in fact, Olivia has never been diagnosed with a disease, so we were lied to there, too. She is going to counseling, but it's with the same therapist who Stew adn the x went to for marital counseling who got too emotionally involved with his x back when the suicide attempt happened and didn't take the proper actions. She is not an MD, so she is not qualified to make the prescription for being homebound, so again, the X lied to us. Olivia is also being investigated for missing excessive school days, and it's mostly related to this homebound sham.

So we'll be getting a call back by Friday with an update on the situation. If the X agrees to give one or both of the kids to Stewart they won't have to pursue legal action, but I'm pretty doubtful that will happen. Stewart tried to inquire about what the possible outcome of this would be if it has to go to court, but the lady was pretty non-specific, saying that's it's pretty much up to the judge to determine what will happen. Stewart reiterated that he would love to have the kids and would be happy to help in any way he can. He had also relayed the issue that happened about a month ago when the X called trying to give him the kids, so that may well play into his favor as well. I think DSS has a pretty good amount of information right now to pursue this and hopefully the kids will end up in a better situation.

Have any of you ever dealt with anything like this? What happened?
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