(no subject)

Mar 26, 2008 15:41

1. If you're being extremely quiet, what's it mean?
I'm probably reading or working on a project for class.

2. If someone hit you, what would you do?
It depends on who hit me and why. If it was Stewart, we were probably playing and I'd probably say OW. If it was Annalise, she's probably cranky and I'd address the cause (feed her or put her down for a nap) and stress for her to tell me what's wrong (use your words or point and say please).

3. Do you still have feelings for your ex?
Nothing beyond the few I keep in touch with being friends. But the feelings are equivalent that what I feel for friends who aren't exes.

4. Have you ever had a one night stand?

5. If so, would you again?
I'm married

6. Last time you laughed?
When Annalise and I were at the park and she was rolling in the sand.

7. Has anyone told you they missed you lately?
Um No. Nobody misses me.

8. Are you wearing any clothes that don't belong to you?

9. Have you ever received sexy pictures from someone?
Many times

10. Do you regret anything from your past?
No I don't live with regret. Things that happened in my past caused me to grow to be who and where I am today.

11. If you could seek revenge on someone, would you?
Not usually, though I am a vengeful opportunist, and if someone really did me wrong and the right opportunity presented itself, yeah I'd probably act on it.

12. How do you react when people cry around you?
Depends on who's crying and why. If it's Annalise and she's hurt, I pick her up adn make sure she's okay and comfort her. If she's tired ad crying I put her to bed. If she's angry because I told her no, I let her cry or try to distract her, depending on which is more convenient for me (distraction is better in public).

13. Do you bump into someones arm if you want to hold their hand?
No. I grab their hand and hold it.

14. Last argument?
Um. With Stewart over keeping records of interactions with his ex.

15. Last kiss?
Stewart when I dropped him off for work.

16. Would you kiss them again?
Yeah. I kiss him lots.

17. Are you jealous of this person?
why would I be?

18. Would you ever strip for money?
With my post-baby body, people would probably rather pay me to put clothes on.

19. Do you have a crush?

20. Do you know how to belly dance?

21. Are you in college?

22. What are you listening to?

23. Last beverage?
grape koolaid

24. Last nap?
couple days ago

25. Do you own a planner?

26. Favorite month?
Don't have one

27. Would your parents be mad if you got pregnant?

28. Would your parents be mad if you were in an inter-racial relationship?

29. Would they be mad if you were gay/lesbian?

30. What are you doing Saturday?
Visiting with Grammy (and grandpa?)!

31. Sweetest thing anyone has ever done for you?
I dunno. I can't really single anything out at the moment.

32. Strangest date?
I don't remember

33. Kiss on the first date?

34. Are you a slut/man whore?
Not anymore

35. Favorite color?

36. Are you racist?

37. Excited for anything?
Excited to see Grammy (and grandpa?) this weekend

38. Would you ever steal someones boyfriend or girlfriend?
No, but I was the other woman a couple times years ago.

39. Last time you were confused?
I get confused regularly.

40. Last time you smiled?
Earlier when I was snuggling with Annalise before her nap.

41. If you could cuddle with anyone right now, who would you pick?

42. Rent a movie or go to movies?

43. Been to Mexico?

44. Own a gun?

45. Happy with life?
Yes. It could always be better, but my life's pretty darn fantastic, so I can't complain.
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