Officially loving on a new show.

Jan 09, 2009 09:18


Holy crap. I don't even know what to say about this show, except HOLY CRAP, this shit is good.

Okay, so I'm only up to episode 6 in the first season (and you know what that means - don't tell me what happens), but it's grabbing me. Does completely loving this show make me effed in the head?

Probably. I dunno.

At first, it grabbed me in a way that Death Note grabbed me - a show from the point of view of the (somewhat) antagonistic, sociopathic, terribly smart serial killer. Yes, totally up my alley. But that's about where it stops. While Light was very intelligent, he still struck me as bat-shit insane.

Dexter, though? He's the antagonistic, sociopathic, really smart serial killer and... one of the most sane characters I've ever seen on television. And that's what makes him so SCREWED UP. HIS HEAD IS SO MUCH MORE TOGETHER THAN MINE IS. He can actually process his thoughts. He may not know what to do with emotion, but hey - maybe that's WHY he's coming across as having some sanity. Yes, that's some scary shit, right there.

Granted, again - only on the sixth episode, so him coming across as being somewhat sane probably won't last, but... WOW.

Err. Yeah. Hi, my name is K-Disturbing.

Also, it gave me a thought. Dean doesn't want to feel anything, so what if he got his wish? What if he turned into a sociopath? *cackles*


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