Things didn't go exactly as expected.
At the 11th hour, an audible was called to not go down to Dallas. Cris and Austin couldn't make it and Katie and Robert's funds were tight, so it was better than we didn't. We decided that while I was watching The Neon Demon (I fell into Kojima's hype) which had the capability to be aesthetically interesting, but if you really think about the messages contained, isn't worth too much of a damn.
After going to Dallas two years in a row, it was weird not to. But the positive was that it freed me up to go to Sheila's birthday party/game night. The squad is lowkey, but cool. It was business as usual with tasty treats (stuffed mushrooms and lime popcorn is what I remember most?) and Wii U. We ended up playing Cards Against Humanity and it was my usual group performance (read: not well). Something about the new Harry Potter houses came up and I asked the group for their opinion on the appropriation of the symbols. I was met with silence by all but Saya who did the detailed equivalent of "Eeeeeeeeh?" I felt like it made sense with the group dynamic and how I feel about it.
The next day was backyard camping at Brenda's and it was kiddomania. I almost worry that this is going to get progressively weirder as time goes on. I feel welcome and included and everything...but still. I should have brought barbecue sauce for the brisket (that was pro along with the beans) and the fireworks were -very- loud this year. Bee came out and it looks like Katie has gotten back together with Abe. Huh.
Backed up everything, although my hard drive enclosure died so I don't have twice the redundancy. Still don't have a solution for restoring the PS3 data, even though I just did cursory research after not looking at it for a while.
Jason and I decided that paying for cable is ridiculous, so we signed up for Playstation Vue and it works pretty well on the PS4 and hardwired in! Cleaned up some of the cables and got some equipment for converting digital to analog audio, but saving the $60 a month will be pretty nice.
Second weekend of July was a bit more of a housekeeping weekend, even though Jason and I did go to Fox and Hound to see Brock throw down in UFC 200. It was a solid card and nice to see Brock prevail. :D (Even if it is tainted in retrospect.) Our server was super cute and as I was leaving, we chatted for a while and she invited me to come back. I would later in the week, but we aren't done with that Saturday night, yet.
Taylor wanted to come over and she specifically asked Jason about me, so I figured I'd hang out if it was that important to her. She had a pretty rough time of it recently so we all just hung out playing Rock Band and she was getting pretty drunk. She handed over her keys and was intending to stay the night, but the negative influences in her life wanted her to go, so we ended up driving her home. This whole scenario and her choices messed with Jason pretty bad. :c It's sad to see someone who had their life pretty together is taking a turn for the worse.
Saw Now You See Me 2 that week, too, which is more of the same, but in a good way. The twist holds up better and it's just as fun. After the movie, I decided to go back to Fox and Hound to see Celeste. When she was free, she came over to chat a lot and we talked about travel and video games and anime. It seemed to be going pretty well, so before leaving, I asked if she wanted to be Facebook friends and she accepted the request that night.
Tokyo in Tulsa happened and after another week and trying to check out an anime that she recommended, I messaged her. No joy. ...And life goes on!
Tokyo in Tulsa was fun, solid paced little getaway. I put together Matt the Radar Technician for it because no one cosplayed as it at A-Kon, so I will happily fill that void in this region. Met some cool Star Wars/Overwatch people and we'll see how staying in touch over Tumblr goes. Did a pretty good job of spreading out my time between folks, shopping, and self time.
Grace did a good job of including me on things (including offering crash space, though I didn't take her up on it) and we played games and shopped together when she wasn't away from the con or doing cosplay show stuff. It was nice. :) Ran into Pyro and Ashely minus the rest of the squad and watched the cosplay show with them, missed Cass and Amanda (:( ), and got to spend some time with Kayla on Sunday. So excited she made up with Amelie. :'3 Life's too short to be holding onto bad blood. Chatted with Diana and Jen some on Saturday night, saw the Center of the Universe, did way too much walking for dinner (which wasn't bad, El Guapo's, a place owned by the same people who own Yokozuna), and no sold the party. Did get to catch up with Pennifer before leaving, though, and she'll be coming to AFest, so maybe we'll get to hang out then, too!
Came home to watch the SFV finals of Evo on ESPN2 (pretty hype, it makes me want to go back to Evo some year) and it was a pretty awesome weekend.
The next weekend was pretty good seeing Star Trek Beyond with the OKiS people. It's your typical Kelvin Star Trek movie, but I'd say it's better than the second one. We ate at Volcano afterward which was surprisingly pretty good! Had a good appetizer (tuna martini, lol) and a tasty, spicy Godzilla roll. Was close to getting dessert with Rachel, but she had her heart set on a place that closed and that was that.
WWE Battleground was also that weekend, which started the whole draft business. I'm still kinda mixed because there is enough talent to warrant a separate brand, but man, that's a lot of wrestling to watch. Happy that Dean retained and there's at least an attempt at keeping the brands separate. Orton as a face is cool and while I'm happy for Alexa's call up, I'm worried that means that we'll see less of her. I'm curious how I'll end up feeling a few months from now, and especially once Agents of SHIELD starts or if I'll just start having to DVR it.
Speaking of time killers, Pokemon Go came out and it's a lot of fun! I'm mostly surprised how it took over the collective conscious of the nation for a solid few weeks. It's something to talk about with pretty much every nerd and so many regular folks are getting in on it, too. I'm curious if it will persist and I would love if it would...I've never seen so many people on page with one thing all at the same time.
Work has been filled mostly with paranoia. But not in the traditional sense. My newest co-worker had a bed bug infestation and that led to me being bitten at work. The good/bad news is that I'm horribly allergic to bed bug bites, so I can recognize when I've been bitten pretty much immediately. How did I know? When I was bitten twice, each time I tore off my clothes and found the culprit still in my clothes. This led to full level paranoia. Analyzing my clothes after I get off shift every day and doing a full clean and emptying a can of bed bug killer all over the office. I stopped being bitten and analyzed my clothes every day for 3 weeks before standing down. If I'm even a little questionable, I do a full body inspection. ...needless to say, every random itch is so anxiety causing. Especially in the summer when bugs are a lot of places. And I don't bring my bag into my office anymore. On top of that, the usual level of work stupid has made it a very long month.
I want to get out...but my idea at becoming a DDP Yoga instructor is a little limited by my endurance and my weird ankle issues. I really need to think about getting that fixed (if possible) if I want to try to follow that more seriously.
We're one week into the month, but I'm gonna try to keep this at an update a month. August has Grace's birthday, AFest, planning for PAX, Summerslam, and PAX itself. A lot going on, so hopefully there will be a lot of fun! REalistic preview: I bought Overwatch. lol