Apr 26, 2009 15:44
Everything moves so fast and the details are scattered and minimized. All the time--instantly. On demand Digital Video Recording, complete with pause and start over so you never lose your happiness due to obligations. Picture so clear and vivid that it must be seen to make believers. The digital won't let me go.
Sync. Sync wirelessly. Sync over a 3G network and show everyone your trip before you've even seen it. Pick and choose your entertainment preferences and the option of paying for them. See things you'd never see otherwise. Live everywhere, but nowhere at the same time. The digital won't let me go.
Steal people's identities, gain all the riches of the world on the backs of others. Create a virus that causes countless hours of disruption to people's lives. Meet a friend over the seas or on another part of the country. Meet a future mate and cut out the awkward, unnecessary process of physical contact. Spy and stalk people just like you on social networking sites. Forget the feel of wind, the softness of the air across the trees, the taste of water, even your own name. The digital won't let me go.
Stand over a massive barren hill, dry and dusty. Behold as the ground below is riddled with soda cans and transmissions and old Compaqs. Watch tires roll down hills of DVD's, launched into a pile of RF cables by a rogue oven range peeking out of a corner. Fend off the cockroaches with a random car antenna and wonder how it ever got this far. Everything is just a physical shell, leading to an afterlife of domain names and server spaces where nothing ever ends. The digital won't let me go.