Jun 16, 2016 18:51
Huh...benched a whopping 135 for 5 reps today, with the last 2 uneven. Still, that's 100 lbs less than my max and I couldn't do that 5 times. So, slowly I'm improving. My triceps feel weird still, but I wonder if that's good.
Asked a 70 year old man for a spot, a not-touch spot just in case I had problems. This led to a long conversation about how he used to be a 235 lb football player until his spine needed surgery. Dude was FURIOUS at being skinny at 70 in the gym. I wonder how lucky I am to discover my spine and muscle imbalances while I'm almost 50 fucking years young. I might be able to fix my spine. I hope to be a scary old fucker at 70.
Somebody flagged me as adult content. Ick, I'm click-I'm-18 material now. Huh.
I need to do a long post about machismo, image marketing, and a proposed strategy of publicizing the virtues of choice - of the benefits of choosing to be wealthy, and the benefits of choosing not to take on so much investment and responsibility. I'm serious, but need to develop the issue.
Bought an iphone so I'm being obnoxious on fb. And in general. The 13-year-old girl in me is never buried deep. Saddest discovery is the iphone 5s has better audio than this dinosaur laptop.
I've lost at least 10 lbs since I was injured.