Mar 12, 2010 04:46
I landed in Singapore at 1am. Someone who talks to bk on facebook met us and took us to his place where I took a cold shower (there was no water) and they looked at some decks online. Then I slept for a few hours and woke up at 6:30.
We took a bus to Kuala Lumpur, which was pretty fancy for a bus, and got in at around 3.
The tournament site is in a hotel attached to a giant mall. The mall is surrounded by highway, which makes walking difficult.
I didn't have my accomodations for the trip worked out, so we went to the mall to try to find free wireless, since the hotel charged.
The first store in the mall, the coffee bean and tea leaf, had free wireless. I looked up some hotels, but the closest ones didn't have websites, so I decided to take a walk to check them out.
The walk wasn't too long, but it was up and down many hills and stairs, and I was aware that trying to bring my luggage, which was in Mat and bk's room, would be hell. Also, it was very hot, of course, and I remembered how much value there is to not needing to go outside in this country.
I decided to just get a room in the site hotel (which was only $64 a night anyway--the one I walked to would have been less than $20). bk said he'd stay with me Friday night on, since Mat had someone else coming.
I didn't get a room for tonight though, because it would be just me, and Mat took a "nap" at 5ish which he never woke up from, so I figured I could just stay up until he was done sleeping and take his bed.
To book this, I went back to The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, where bk, who had wanted to wander by himself, found me. We played some Magic, ran into the friend of the guy we stayed with in Singapore, who was the driver who actually picked us up from the airport, and the guy he was staying with in KL, the guy who made Apprentice (the first program for playing Magic online). We talked to them some and then some Japanese pros walked by, and bk said he wanted to catch them for dinner.
So we chased down Saito, Yuuya, and Kazuya and wandered around with them looking for food. Because there was a wait at Chili's, we went to a bad sushi place.
After dinner bk and I went back to The Bean to play some more Magic until they closed, then bk went to sleep at around 11:30. Mat wasn't up yet, so I didn't have a bed, so I went down to the hotel lobby.
Shortly, some Malaysians found me and invited me to get food with them. They had a car here, and drove me to the place near the store where they usually play where they get food. It was still open and full at 1am when we got there, as I'd typical around here. It was an open air collection of Chinese places, I guess. I was disappointed that there was no Indian. I got some fried rice with egg and a glass of fresh mixed orange and carrot juice. It was fine.
While we ate, more and more Malaysian Magic players appeared, until there were about 10 people at two tables. They talked about decks and Magic stories, and horrible corruption in South East Asian Magic distributors.
I got back to the hotel at around 2:30 and lent the guy who invited me out a few cards, and he went to sleep.
Now I'm hanging out in the lounge again waiting for Mat to wake up. It's 3:15 and I'm pretty tired. I'll probably go back to the room soon, since he indicated some willingness to get up a little while ago.