I'm seeing lots of lists around, so I add my own!
1. Got my first card of the season! Thanks
itsaslashything! It looks fantastic on my bookcase :)
2. New icon!
duskwillow is so awesome, and I adore it! (And will be opening my presents expectantly Christmas morning, let me tell you.)
3. EXAMS ARE DONE. Fuck yeah. I got that last one deferred till January so I'll think about it when I get home. Which leads to...
4. Leaving for Switzerland soon! I fly out Saturday evening. My brother and I booked our tickets a week apart and ended up on the same flight, except that he's flying London-Toronto-Zurich, and I'm busing from here to Toronto and meeting him in the airport. Means that I have to drop him off at the London airport about 5 hours before his flight because my bus comes so much earlier, heh.
5. Did I mention I was trying the 50 Book Challenge again this year? Last year I
made it to 45 books and it was sooo close, so this year I tried again unofficially, not reviewing and only listing books in a word document. And I made it! I'm actually on book 53 right now \o/ I might still post them at some point, but just titles.
6. Buffy! Split the price of 3 box sets with little brother, seasons 2-4, and have been rewatching in my spare time. I'm on the last episode of season 2 right now, and I'll probably bring S3 along for the holidays. I've also downloaded the first few episodes of Merlin to watch during my plane ride, or at least while waiting in the airport.
7. Haircut! I have long bemoaned the need for haircuts, because I love choosing them and hate actually working with them. I always hate my haircut by about three days later, and then put my hair up in ponytails and butterfly clips until it's time to try again. So my mother has booked me an appointment with her hairdresser in Basel, and we're giving him free rein to do whatever he wants to my hair. It's kind of liberating, actually :) So I should be posting pictures next Wednesday (if all goes well)!
8. Man, I am very determined to make it to 10 now that I've gotten this far. Oh, have converted little brother to Veronica Mars! I am so proud. I bet he regrets moving in with me now. He's watched the first two seasons in the past four days.
9. Let's repeat exams being over down here. Plus, tonight's exam was a breeeeze. I barely had to fake at all!
10. Um, you guys are all awesome. TA DA! A nice even ten :D
posted some (non-Christmas) music the other day, in case anyone missed it.