Dec 10, 2008 18:15

Have I mentioned lately how much I *love* the rare opportunities I get to be truly nocturnal?

Last two nights in a row, I've stayed up all night writing my papers, and then slept in till afternoon/evening. Tonight I'll be up (hopefully) studying for my afternoon and evening finals tomorrow, and then I'm done.

It's a crazy headwrecky way to live, I know, and it's probably not good for me (six shots of caffeine in 9 hours, NO COFFEE UNTIL AFTER MIDNIGHT) but I just *love* it. Being awake when almost everyone else has dwindled into bed, the heavy, smooth grey of the pre-dawn sky seen from the all-nighter side, the freshness of the air, the gentle quiet - it just makes me really happy inside. Crazy and stressful though this week has been, I'm so glad my schedule worked out this way.

allnighters, vampire, school

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