Insanity splat!

Nov 21, 2008 15:01

When I get really cold, my eyebrows ache. It hurts a lot. I like to pretend spiky little frost imps are hanging off of my eyebrows by their sharp little icicle teeth.

1. A prison break fic in which Alex is (and has always been) Alexandra Mahone. Because William Fitchner would make an amazingly hot & awesome tough-as-nails!older woman. She has greying hair that she kept in a long, no-nonsense braid during season one. Crazy!Druggy!girl!Mahone wears it in an ineffective ponytail (loose flyaway wisps everywhere). She had Cameron via C-section, and now she traces the scar without thinking about it.

2. A fic where Bruce Banner was in ROTC to pay for college, and serves under Blonsky in Gulf 1 after his American superiors get killed in the field, and ends up with a heroworship/mentor crush on him.

3. A fic where the Justice League and/or the Avenger Initiative goes to Homestead to Fight the Aliens, and comic-superhero morality runs smack into What a Value a Non-human complications.

4. A Bill Maher/Ann Coulter PWP RPF. Does no one else want this? SERIOUSLY?

5. A Knight Rider/Iron Man crossover, because JARVIS and KITT need to commiserate.

Also, a meme! (from mississippienne)

Name a character from one of my fandoms, and I'll give you: (a) three facts about them from my personal canon/fanon, (b) a reason he/she sucks, (c) a reason he/she is awesomecakes, (d) three things that never happened to that character or (e) three people that character never fell in love with and why. You pick the character. I pick the letter.

Feel free to toss me multiple characters.

meme, fandom, random

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