remind me to be extra careful when performing...
... ok, personally, I think this is hilarious, but I pulled a muscle today practicing. Now saying where exactly might be a little too "vulgar" for LiveJournal (heheh), but it doesn't even hurt most of the time. Like, when I move it to a point, then OK, it's not friendly, but otherwise it's a mere irritation. So why do I think it's hilarious? Because even in pain I prefer to joke about it; after the "Saber meeting" I tightened my pants and told Deanna and Beth "I'm not happy to see you. It's an ice pack!" lol They got a kick out of it... so did Claire =P What can I say? The plastic was sticking out and looked like a second... err... member. yeah haha
But outside of my little injury, things went peachy. Practice was OK up until the Saber (sabre?) drill was redesigned... then everyone got frustrated and stuff.
heheh my hand still smells like Krista's dog... eww! Despite the fact it smells like it played in the rain and air-dried for a couple days, he/she is so adorable. I was sitting cross-legged in the car, right, and the dog decides "hmm, lemme sit on Pete's lap." so I had a dog sit on my lap halfway down Dunedin =P once again, an adorable dog.
I need an opinion from anyone/everyone. I know this girl who is completely silent around me (OK, so she's said a few things here and there), and, well, I wouldn't say I like her, but am curious as to what she's really like. So sometimes I'll look over in hopes of learning something about her through her interactions with others. If this was you and knew, would you be creeped out or anything?
It sort of reminds me of [insert unpopular band stalker's name here] -- I'm sure band and guard folk alike know who I mean. The only difference is my side is due to curiosity about personality, not annoying-as-hell brown nosing due to jealousy or lust.
...yeah, I definitely feel like a creep now that I reread what I wrote. ::shudders::
Anyway... err... I saw Amanda's foot is a little better; she was at Dance Club today. Can't wait to talk to her soon. heheh "Swedo and Mahon's Club: We Gots the Punch and Pie!" so classic =)
OK folks, find every website you can think of with an awesome looking layout (include your livejournal if you must) and send it to me/put it in a comment. I need a new layout for
my website and am bored with what I have. IDEAS. please!
ehh... shower time. Wish me luck; I hope I don't fall or anything (gotta walk extra bow-legged to hide the pain)