Hey all:
I'm going to be writing a research paper on Braille as it relates to the decision whether or not to teach it to young children. Since there computers and screenreading technology is available now, I've noticed one side of the argument is that because of the new technology, it isn't necessary to learn Braille. I would be looking for personal opinions and feedback on this issue, pro or con. I'm interested in both sides of the argument. I'm going to be putting together a small questionnaire in a few days with questions relating to the topic, and I didn't know of perhaps any of you in this community might be willing to fill it out for me or just provide me your input on this issue. If any of you would like to help, feel free to either comment here,
via my personal journal page, or via
any of the ways listed in my user info. Take care, and thanks for any help in advance.
(This is posted multiple places, including my own journal).