Is me!

Jun 03, 2009 22:28

I'm back! :D

After .. 8 months I see =\. Hmm and my last few entries weren't exactly very nice either ahahha. Anyway, let's come up with something random .. that is if anyone reads anymore!

My one and only exam is on the 15th of June and so far I regret to say that I haven't even looked at my notes. Well I did for the quiz last week, but that was it. I'm just .. feeling .. get-me-away-from-uni-and-anything-related-to-it-!! ish .. which I guess isn't a really good description, but I hope you get what I mean xD. You know, I was talking to Jason a few weeks back and I realised that I don't wanna become a Pharmacist right after I graduate. I had a part time job as a Pharmacy Assistant on the weekends and the stuff I had to do .. wasn't what I expected. I mean okay, sorting tablets into packs for elderly people is expected, but I at least thought I could get to talk to customers? Nope, dear old Hungy was stuck in ze back room filling out pack after pack for 10hours.

Then it hit me. I hated doing this. I really like speaking to people and serving them .. so why the heck am I cooped up in the corner of this building jamming capsules into plastic packaging?

Haha funny thing is, right .. back way way when we were still in High School (how long ago does that seem .. I feel older than I ever have xD) I remember thinking at one point that I really wanted to become one of those Flight Attendant people on a plane. Don't ask me why, but I just found the whole job really cool. It's not cos of the free flights, so don't get me wrong ahahhaha. Just something was appealing about it, so I couldn't help it. Then I just forgot about it til I watched this Jap Drama about Flight Crew training and it just struck like WOAH. DUDE, I really wanna do this! .. So now that's in mind, I plan to just leave my Uni Degree Career til later in life when I'm shrivelled like a raisin. THAT'S when I'll be happy cooped up in the corner on a leash, sorting out medication. Enjoy your youth! zZzzing!

Oh, so instead of studying, I'm currently VERY BUSY instead watching dramas and sneaking onto maplestory. Mmmhm, you heard it right! Lil' Hung is still hooked hooked hooked! xD. Oh and I got a new laptop last week! To test it out, the first thing I did was jump on and take LUVOS! Heck why not yeah? Love the inbuilt shitty 2MP webcam that makes me look like a gorilla :D. Oh and if it explains why - I've been losing weight with the motivation to become an Aeroplane Cabin Crew! You need a healthy weight-range .. so there goes all the midnight snacking. I needa be under 73kg to even stand a chance of entering training lalala - 5kgs to go! (Last time most of you saw me at the formal, I was 101kg ahahah aww man, so not cool). Aghh ! Time to hanker down and live on roots!

Oh oh yeah. Did you guys know! I made my OWN sushi rolls a few weeks back. AHAHA, who ever thought that would happen aye? For the most part, It was successful. The sushi rolls and the rice turned out really well. Oh, and I fucked up a pot, if that matters. It's now got burnt rice shit at the bottom. ahaha oh well, as long as Hung gets his sushi, screw pot costs :). Hm lemme see if I can find the pics somewhere later on .. I'm sure I took some o_o.

Wellll, it's nearly 11pm! Time to sign out and watch a few drama episodes before I go to bed. 5:30am wake up tomorrow hehe. Can't be late for that!



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