Dec 04, 2011 23:11
Is it me, or does the quality of a series reflect its fanon? And no I did not use spell check.
Look at My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. True most of its fans are bronies and little girls, but look at the results! You got Pony Bebop, a remake of the Cowboy Bebob opening. High quality and awesome fan art of all kinds. Cool fan songs, and the show's fans arn't comprised completely of mindless morons. True, the bronies can be total ass tards, but that's not 90% of them.
Now, for the series itself, it's great. Fun music, great animation, good plot, and the characters are all lovable. Even Gilda, or however you spell it, if you're into bitchy characters.
Great quality, great fandom right?
Now Bleach.
Most of the fans seem to show some form of mental retardation (not all but most that you see on the surface). The good quality fan art is not easy to come by, and most of it are just re-colors, non sensical parings, or shoops. And funny how the best quality work I've seen is hentai. Boring AMVs to Linkin Park. Hell, I admit I did an AMV but at least I bothered to use something other than My Chemical Romance. And fanfictions... oh god the fanfictions. Seriously, all you will find is romance of the fail variety if you don't narrow down your search. I've taken it upon myself to at least put a dent in all the romance with platonic relationships and non Mary Sue OCs, but dammit I have a looong way to go.
As for the series itself... well... The art style has got to be the best thing for it. The plot pretty much died after Aizen's betrayle. The filler is god awful (except the Zanpakuto arc. That was fun). There are too many 'plot twist' moments.
I mean really, look at this scenario:
Character 1: I'm evil.
Character 2: I'm good so I will beat you.
Character 3: I'm just an observer.
C1: Ha ha I have you in my grasp
C2: Oh no!
C3: Oh no!C
C2: Trolololol I was faking, I'm really evil.
C1: Oh noes you got me at my weak spot.
C3: Oh boy I'm sooo neutral.
C1: Turns out I knew you'd do that because I'm really good and I'm here to help C3.
C2: Grrr
C3: Derp I'm truely the evil mastermind
Yeah.. that's pretty much what happens in every arc.
I could go on and on about stupid fandoms, but that would take years.
my little pony,
fan dumb,