"how many a man has dated a new era in his life from reading a book" -Thoreau-

Aug 11, 2006 14:47

Must read list from PETA
*Animal Liberation by Peter Singer
*Diet for a New America by John Robbins
*In Defense of Animals edited by Peter Singer

*The Case for Animal Rights by Tom Regan
*Animal Rights and Human Obligations by Peter Singer and Tom Regan (a collection of writings)
*Inhumane society: The American way of exploiting animals by Michael Fox
*A Vegetarian Sourcebook by Keith Akers
*The McDougall Plan by John and Mary McDougall (physician's plan)
*Vegetarian Cats and Dogs by James Peden

All Natural Cleaning solutions:
*Floor cleaner: one cup of white winegar mixed with 2 gallons of water to wash, club soda to polish
*Mildew remover: Lemon juice or white vinegar and salt
*Stain remover, toilet bowl cleaner: Vinegar
*Wine/coffee stains: Blot the fresh spill with a cloth soaked with club soda
*Drain Opener: Prevent clogging by using a drain stainer or by flushing the drain weekly with about a gallon of boiling water. If clogged, pour one-half-cup baking soda, then one-half-cup vinegar down the drain and cover it tightly for about a minute. 
*Odor remover (spills and accidents): On carpet or furniture, blot the fresh stain with a cloth soaked with cider vinegar.

"you're against everything"
No. I'm FOR...
-Cruelty-free cosmetics 
-All natural ingredients, safe for groundwater, pets, and humans
-Being healthy and free of diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol, cancer, and obesity
-Eating fruit and vegetables!!!
-Organic food
-Cleaning with vinegar
-Keeping Oregon green
-Environmental ethics
-Love and respect for the earth and ALL beings on it
-Voting with my money, by being a conscious consumer
-Organic soymilk and other soy products like tofu, tempeh, tofutti products, and tofurky

Where have I been all my life?
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