Resonance of Fate

Aug 15, 2012 23:21

Name: Diana
Stamping Preference:
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[x] Best Fit (don't ask for both)

Describe your personality:I'm the typical next door girl who neighbours can oftenly see with a hose or carrying clothes around the street (because i can't put them right through the window) with a happy face or a distracted look. I am the type of person that has a bit of two sides in the personality part: i'm rather introverted and suspecting everyone type or i can be the extroverted clumsy self that at times i am. I'm rather polite and helpful with others but i can also be rather harsh and a bit brute when people piss me off or simply do something that i consider ridiculous or over the edge. I'm usually a cheerful person but i often hide my insecurities and my sadness with that side, actually i have nightmares every night and i just have to do my best to have a smile on my face or keep myself occupied so i don't go insane with the lack of a good night of sleep. I'm the type of person that tries to fix other people's problems and often get too involved with them to a degree that i forget that it's not really my problem, that it's someone else's and it makes me feel restless most of the time. Hm let's see...Oh overall i am rather clumsy, a bit lazy in some aspects but at the same time i'm a hardworker and well people often say that i have a large mouth when it comes to talk and i'm rather naive (specially with certain types of jokes....really, my entire family takes me as a naive girl because of this) and playful, i usually get along with people but it's also pretty easy to piss me off, just do a wrong action and i won't forget about it so soon, hurt someone i care about and i swear i get more pissed off than a raging bear. Well, anyway i don't think that i have that much to say besides this, i'm mostly a calm person, my mother often compares me to an otter for being so laid back (most of the time, sure there are times that i become so stressed i just don't stop working)
Positive Traits: kind, cheerful, playful, honest, supportive, hardworker, easy to talk to
Negative Traits: aggressive, short tempered, lazy, sometimes dramatic, naive (seriously, i don't like AT all being naive)
Hobbies and interests:anime,
mangas, flowers, artbooks, copics, family, friends, water, mythology,
history, economics, english, pretty dresses, fashion, figurines, the
smell of the ocean, shells, video-games, kindness, honesty, messy haired
boys, Disney movies, copics, graphic making, amv making, going out,
movies, hanging with friends, making lame jokes, laughing, role playing,
Oc's, sleeping, pianos, violins, beaches, nature, singing, music,
romance, novels, books, celtic songs.
Dislikes:rude people,
needles, balloons, hospitals, retarded comments, waking up early, spicy
food, being ignored, being mistreated, ruining shoes, too cold or too
hot weather, loud and strong noises, nasty smells, being bored, being
bossed around, ugly clothes and cosplays, backstabbing and argues
How are you described by others?: well it depends, A LOT on the people, it just seems everyone has a different opinion of me o_o let me show you:
My best friend IRL: Short tempered, lacking of manners when eating (...she had to feed me once because i kept screwing up with the sushi) strong, loving and funny and a bit of a dork
my mom: lazy, a bit hypocondriacal, sweet and nice, temperamental, cuddly and pretty much an otter
my other friends: slightly tomboy-ish with a really girly appearance, a "peace and love" type of person who can give a falcon punch to anyone, the person that comes with the lamest puns ever, sweet, helpful, a real mom to some

Are you more...
Introverted or extroverted? A healthy mix between these two =)
Optimistic, pessimistic, idealistic, or realistic? Realistic and depending of the time i'll be more optimistic or pessimistic
A leader or a follower?
Neither, i've always said this but i am someone that'd rather follow
her own steps and be her own leader and follower than following or
leading others
Cynical or trusting? I became quite cynical over the years because of people's attitude but i wouldn't say that i'm not trusting of others
Mature or childish?
Well, i can't say i am 100% mature because honestly i'd be lying if i
did say that, i believe that i have a healthy balance between my
maturity and my childish side
Independent or dependent? I am
highly dependent of my mother but taking that aside i find myself pretty
independent at least when it comes down to things as cooking for
myself, ironing my clothes and taking care of my own things
Cool or dorky? Both ahah, i am so dorky but i can be cool too
Careful or carefree? I am both to be honest, i am usually pretty careful with things but i can also be carefree when i feel more loose
High, medium, or low energy? Medium to low energy
Confident or modest? I lack so much of confidence that it's not even funny, so yes i am stupidly modest in a load of things

Quote?"You're not Alone"
Movie? Pride and Prejudice
Type of music? Depends xD i am all for japanese music, rock, instrumental, country, everything except rap
Color? Pink, Blue, White, Red, Purple
Animal? Fox, Penguin, Dog, Otter
Game genre? RPG

A large asteroid is going to hit the Earth in 24 hours and the world is going to end! How do you spend your last moments?
Trying to make sure that i get to see the ones that i love at least one
last time and tell them that no matter what i'll always love them
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change?
I'd probably change my self centered attitude that i have from time to
time, it's very annoying to be told that i'm self centered when i
actually don't see it but yes i think that in certain aspects it gets in
the way
What are some of your future goals? Hm to be honest, right now the only goal i have is to find a stable job and work as a volunteer for animal shelters
If you had to chose between saving those who are precious to you and all the inhabitants of an entire city, who would you save?
Outch....Now i have no idea how i'd choose to be honest, sure i have a
few people that are precious to me but i surely wouldn't be able to save
them knowing that there were a load of people that even if i didn't
know, were living in danger...Dunno actually
How do you tend to act around those you don't know?
A little shy, it depends on the vibe the person gives to me, usually i
get shy or quiet but i can also behave naturally if i feel that the
person is cool and such

Are there any characters you absolutely do not want to be voted as? -
Anything else you'd like to add? Thanks everyone for voting !
You must vote on all unstamped applications before posting yours!

resonance of fate: leanne

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