Calvin and Hobbes

Nov 14, 2006 19:43

as I was wasting time on the internet today, i stumbled across a youtube video of a Robot Chicken parody of Calvin and Hobbes. it was not easy to watch, and...though i usually enjoy Robot Chicken, that one wasn't particularly funny to me. the sketch basically has Calvin sent to a psychiatrist, and eventually committed, a bumbling lunatic, because he believes Hobbes is real. an easy place to go if you're Robot Chicken. but yeah. i didn't like it at all.

this is easily my favorite comic strip of all time. it's one of the few things, along with the likes of Dave Barry, The Who, and The Penguins, to name a few, that my entire family really loves. i enjoyed reading it as a kid, even when there were times i never even understood everything Calvin was saying. he's very intelligent, with an incredible vocabulary, and of course, very imaginitive. we all know that...and there's just so much to love about the whole strip. take heed...

-he turned a box into a Transmogrifier, or a Time Machine, or a Duplicator (i especially loved that storyline).

-tfor years i've been creating Spaceman Spiff as a high-flying offensive defenseman in my video hockey games. no space explorer has gone further, or gotten himself out of more jams. and his space-glasses are top-notch! Spiff, indeed.

-actually, he's probably imagined himself as every conceivable oddity on the planet, from the microscopic Calvinfly to the enormous Calvinosaurus.

-one word: Calvinball. i've always wanted to take a stab at that game myself. I can still sing the "I'm sorry song" to this day.

-the awesome club meetings of G.R.O.S.S. (Get Rid Of Slimy girlS).

-have you ever wondered what actually transpired during the infamous "Noodle Incident?" Ann and I have been wondering about that for years.

and that's only scratching the tip of the iceberg. i'm really not doing the comic much justice.

i literally shed a few tears when i read the last comic for the first time. even now it still moves me, and i've decided to make it my desktop image for a while. just the whole idea of infinite possibilities, a blank slate, everything's so fresh and new. i absolutely love that it ended on a winter scene. can you think of nothing better than a cold crisp sunny day with snow everywhere and just a sled and your best friend at your disposal? yes, the ending of Calvin and Hobbes is the best ending to anyhting ever.

just think: somewhere out there, those two are still going on adventures, arguing, inventing, imagining, and getting into trouble.

thank you, Bill Watterson. you made my "Awesome" list a long time ago.

"Let's Go Exploring". indeed.
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