Which One Will You Choose -The Red Pill or the Blue Pill?
The Red or the Blue Pill? by Justin Cessna
When discussing my political views with Friends and Family I sometimes experience enormous apprehension worrying that they will think I’ve gone over to the loony dark side but for my own mental health there are times that I can’t help but speak out regardless of what others think or who is reading or listening to me. Now with the most Leftist, Liberal and I believe most destructive [to our Constitution] administration in my life time I can no longer remain silent. So I make no apologies.
As I start to write this I am reminded of one of my all time favorite movies The Matrix. It is one of the few movies I can watch over and over again. Neo’s quandary is the dilemma we are all in today. Long ago I knew something wasn’t right with our Country but what I didn’t know. I just had a lot of uneasiness over how much control the Federal Government was usurping in our lives.
Being inquisitive like Neo I felt like I too was being offered two
cialis; Morpheus, you remember, shows Neo two pills: a blue and a red one. If Neo chooses the blue pill, he will wake up in his bed and forget about everything that happened. If he takes the red one he will see “how deep the rabbit hole goes”.
If I opt for the blue pill I could remain uninformed of the reality that the role Government has been playing in our lives and keep my head “buried in the sand” - unchanged. If I wanted to know the truth I had to swallow the red pill. In doing so I would be unable to return to my apathetic happy go lucky life. I chose the red pill as Neo did in the movie and there is no turning back. Like Morpheus said; The Matrix (Government) is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. I now had entered the fight to stop the control of Mankind and bring back freedom and liberty.
I vehemently oppose this President and his ideological dogma first and foremost because of my 3 adult children and my 5 grandchildren. I don’t want them to grow up literal slaves to China and our increasing national debt owed to them. I believe in self reliance in as much as we are able and I believe that the continued dependence on government is dangerous to our very being as Americans.
It burns me up to see my hard earned money going to fund the moocher/parasite classes life style and all the corruption involved with the social welfare programs that the so called “progressive” (isn’t that a laugh) leftist liberals continually expand and have been encouraging for the last 40 plus years.
The entitlement programs (handouts) by government are bankrupting and eroding the middle class and if it is allowed to continue this once astonishingly great country will be no better than the impoverished banana Republics of Mexico, and the rest of Central and South America. We were founded as a Representative Republic (not a democracy as some believe) by the most ingenious, brave, courageous revolutionary Founding Fathers ever known; Washington, Madison, Jefferson and Franklin. [I can’t say enough about there gift to us]
What is the alternative President Obama envisions? Obama in his own book admitted that he sought out Marxist Professors in College and the overwhelming video and audio evidence shows he still has a fond preference not to our Founding Fathers but to the likes of Karl Marx, Lenin and Mao - the founders of Social Communism.
It’s time my friends to decide which pill you are going to take and I sincerely hope you will pull your collective heads out of the sand and swallow the red pill. Wake up and join me in the new revolution to reclaim our Country. Educate yourselves, vote for real Constitutional Conservatives and vow never to fall asleep again.
I leave you with the Chorus one of my favorite 70’s rock group Rush and their song Free Will.
“You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice. If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice. You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill. I will choose a path that is clear I will choose freewill.”