I work at a natural food store chain(guess)

Jul 03, 2009 20:44

There are a few things that bother me involving my place of work. This is just a rough I hope to build on.
The first thing that comes to mind about out customers: those of you who come in and ask for things and state that you have "never had organic food before"and then say something based on no knowledge of the product "I'll take the conventional, the organic must taste healthy" or how about "organic chocolate syrup? well at least its healthy for me"

Why did I have to start working at a natural food store chain to learn anything about nutrition?

Organic Chocolate Syrup really isn't any better for you than Hersey's chocolate syrup. Its better for the planet, it may be better for the people who produce it(if it's fair trade) but, it's fucking CHOCOLATE SYRUP.

In my experience, many foods labeled "organic" do taste better, but these are basic foods. Foods that are more simple and closer to their natural form to begin with. Fruit, Vegetables (both fresh and frozen), tater tots, you get the idea.

Pesticides hurt everyone!

Unsustainable growing practices hurts everyone!


I don't know the difference between helmans mayonnaise and the ones we carry. I never liked mayo before I actually started cooking for myself. This is brand loyalty. helmans, heinz, frenchs, pepsi, coke. We eat what we grew up with, our parents were dedicated to products that might not have been so awesome for us. why don't we try something new? something different? why not make it our selves?

We don't know what our food is comprised of anymore. why is fresh produce so expensive? why is stoneyfield yogurt advertising the documentary Food, Inc. on their labels?

I look to documentaries to shed light, to be truthful. Is Food, Inc. just propaganda for Whole Foods Market? The organic machine? Small farms can't afford to be certified "organic" though they may have entirely "organic" practices. Big business wins again.

Local, local, local. this practice actually won't work globally. Not all parts of the world are hospitable to farming. Trade is ok. I don't understand how people can live off of cents a day. The mark ups on the food I sell is ridiculous and don't think it isn't the same at shaws or other big name grocers. Wal-Mart is a bully, Target does it while looking cool.

Somethings you might wonder about me: I grow some herbs/veggies on my roof. My partner and I recycle and compost while living in an apartment in the city. I'm a student who is overwhelmed by every aspect of this world and life. I don't know everything, I want to, but I don't. We eat out once a week and eat fast food maybe twice a year.

Any Ideas?
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