Gender Meme

Jun 18, 2011 02:38

This was started on Fetlife by Brynn with his original post here. However, you have to have a Fetlife account to access it. My original Fetlife note can be found here and contains information on the FL (Fetlife) group that was started surrounding this meme. There are currently over 50 of these floating around Fetlife, and I hope maybe more can be floating around LJ, too.

* I am cissexual
* I am not cisgendered
* I do not believe in the gender binary, and therefore cannot see myself within it
* I identify with the Mother Goddess archetype, but also recognize I have a strong masculine side I don't know how to explore
* I prefer female pronouns
* I am femme
* I recognize because I am cissexual (the sex I was Coercively Assigned At Birth - CAAB - based on my parts feels right), I am privy to a bit of priviliege
* The fact the sex I was CAAB is female means I also deal with misogyny. Every. Damn. Day.
* I prefer female pronouns - she/her. Anything else would be misgendering me.
* If someone refers to me otherwise, that does not mean you can.
* I do not mind what you call my boobs, really, but I do not care for most nicknames of the vulva. Only select people can use other terms. If you have to ask, chances are it isn't you.
* If you fetishes my parts, or only focus on my body, not the mind, you can go fuck yourself since I won't fuck you.
* I am pansexual
* I am a lesbian
* Yes, that's possible.
* While I do have relationships with men sometimes, that does not negate the fact that I am a lesbian. I am not inherently romantically attracted to men, and the few I am romantically attracted to are because I'm attracted to them, not their gender/sex.
* While I am pansexual - which means I don't care about the parts or gender identity when it comes to sex or sexual attraction - I am selective about who I sleep with.
* Sexual attraction doesn't mean I'll fuck you. Go away.
* I rarely reveal my name on the internet, and only to people I am comfortable with knowing. You can refer to me by my screen name. Asking for my name will get you nowhere.
* My birth name is my real name, but it is not my chosen name. My chosen name shouldn't be used outside of certain situations: i. e. gaming (since it is also my gamer tag), or spiritual situations.
* I am a polytheistic priestess, and my Dedication is when I chose my other name.
* I am not submissive. Masochist and submissive are not synonymous.
* I am a sadist, though that's not listed. Like the former point, sadism and domination are not the same.
* I own a cuddle pet, it's meant to be non-sexual fun tiems for the both of us. It's only fun for me if it's fun for him, too.
* Sex and BDSM are not the same. While I like kinky sex, I also require non-sexual BDSM play to be a happy, healthy Pumpkin_Tart
* I identify as crippled, due to rheumatoid arthritis. This does not mean you can call me crippled, just that I may call myself that.
* Others may call me crippled, with or without my permission. That doesn't mean you can. Ask, though the answer is likely no.
* Call me crippled without my permission and I will non-consensually beat you with my cane.
* Consent and negotiation are vital parts of my life. Ignore, forgo, or otherwise breach either, and I will excommunicate you.
* I am a feminist. I am not a feminazi, or a radical feminist, and will take offense if called either. I believe feminism is about a lot more than just women's rights, and is not about women's supremacy.
* I am polyamorous. No, that does not automatically mean I will fuck you. Sod off.
* I consider myself to be a trans-activist, but not an ally. Allies think that by calling themselves allies, they're exempt from being called on busted shit.
* I am not exempt from being called out on busted shit.
* I do not really have much of a voice in trans circles, but I will echo trans voices.
* Chasers are groce. Make with the fucking off.

Note: This is my version of the meme unedited.

awesome, fetlife, love!

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