Holy Moon Rose Water recipe.

May 04, 2011 01:06

I just did this ritual, I want to keep it fresh in my mind. And because it's totally a hedgecraft sort of deal, and without a mentioned deity, I'm sure anyone willing on my friends list could reuse it and embellish it. In fact, I think I'll make this entry public.

2 white roses (or 1 rose per approximately 375mL of water)
1 750mL glass bottle w/ stopper (cork works great)
salt, blessed (whichever amount and type you prefer/feels right)
Coffee filters/cheesecloth
string (hemp is what I've been using)
Paper towel or a plate (paper towel is easier cleanup, but not green)

Boil the amount of water you're going to use. I've been filling the bottle completely up, then pouring it into the pan. Even if that's not how much you want (I've been aiming for the base of the neck) it will reduce. Bring to a full boil.

Rinse the bottle out as best you can - don't want any contaminants, now do you?

Pull the petals off the rose. I find "beheading" the rose by hand is easiest for this. Put the petals and internal pieces of the rose into a coffee filter and tie up like a tea bag. Use two if the rose is big enough. Do so for each rose used. Set aside

Pull the leaves off the rose stem and otherwise break down the rose - i. e. break up the stem into sections and pull off or cut off any thorns if they weren't already. Keep on the paper towel or plate.

Once the water has come to a full boil, turn off the burner (you don't have to take the pot off the burner, though. But if you're sensitive to heat, you might want to.) Drop in the rose tea bags and let steep for 15 minutes or so. Note: The water will be yellowed.

Once steeped, squeeze out the remains of water from the bags, undo them, and remove the rose petals and inner workings. Put on the plate with the rest of the rose pieces and set aside. Throw away the coffee filters (but not the strings if they're natural. Or if the coffee filters are organic, include them in the plate of rose stuff.)

(Optional) Bless the salt if it isn't already blessed. Doesn't really matter how you do it.

Carefully bottle the rose water. What I've been doing is pouring a little bit into the bottom of the bottle, then adding the blessed salt, then pouring the rest in. Cork the bottle and shake well to dissolve the salt. Since it's already blessed, you don't need to say anything else. If it isn't already blessed, please see the optional step.

Note: The wording should be personal and meaningful to you. I just went with the simplest I could think of. I also faced East for this, for no particular reason other than it felt right.

Take the plate/paper towel of rose remains and the bottle outside, at night. Do whatever you do to cast a circle of protection. I just spun around three times with my sun rose water, chanting "Sun, protect this space" or some variant. Deets are fuzzy now.

Offer the rose to the Earth as sacrifice/recycling/thank you (but don't scatter the pieces yet) I said "Take these roses as thank you, Earth, for the use of them and your energies. They will be offered at the end."

Take the bottle in both hands and hold it up to the sky. Request that the moon and stars bless it how you wish. I said "Moon and stars, bless this water with your energy. Fill it with your light, your protection. With love, peace, water, light, and even death, birth, and everything in between." (No, I was not very creative.)

Take down the circle as you like. I said "This bottle I will leave in one spot to bathe in your glory. I will now break this circle. When I do, the energies called forth shall disperse with it, save for the energy within this vessel, that it may grow." And then I sliced through the circle. Nothing fancy.

Set the bottle aside in a spot where it will get the moonlight. It doesn't actually have to get moonlight, just be visible to the sky. This ritual works even if it's raining.

Take the remains of the roses and scatter them where you see fit, thanking the Earth again, and thanking the rose for its use.

Leave the bottle over night. For a stronger effect, do this on each major moon phase (New, Full, and both quarters) starting with the New.

Yeah, it's not at all fancy, but that's because it's serious Low Magic. I didn't want something fancy for every day stuff. I also dedicated the bottle to the household, but I didn't figure you'd guys would want to read about that, so I left it out. You can dedicate the bottle if you wish.

It will be effective at dawn, but as stated doing this at all four

awesome, priestess mode, i am excite, rituals, love!, busy bee, magic, late night ramblings

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