Destruction Season Begins down at Ol' Oblivion

Jan 22, 2007 07:04

Ohhhhh my god, my arrrrms are sooooo sore! Yesterday we had beautiful 20 degree weather, and it was sunny! I've been fighting a cold since Friday, but I suddenly felt really fit, and motivated to finally get that yellow shed down. I walked around and surveyed the thing. One short wall and 1/3 of the long walls and ceiling beams are knocked down, so it is really tilting scarily. Remember, this thing is the size and shape of a semi trailer. I took my life into my hands, went inside, and started knocking down the other short wall with the sledge hammer. I got all of the long yellow shakes off the outside (they were so rotten that I beat them into submission), about half of the wall boards knocked out (and whacked on the supportive pieces enough that they're now barely hanging on), and I didn't die! Collin was probably ready to commit me when I told him that I was beating out the wall from the inside.

This morning I woke up at 5, and my head was a-whir with planning. I could drive the Chevy into the pasture, tie a rope around the top beam of the last short wall, and pull the wall down with the car. I get silent movie images in my head - the car frame pulls off and the wheels keep going, or the entire shed drags out into the field, trips, flies forward and smashes the car. In reality, that wall is ready to fall over, and there's not much left of it. It wouldn't take much of a pull. After it goes down, the remaining long walls and ceiling beams - well, it would just take a nudge and the whole thing would go over. I'm smiling insanely now, just thinking of it.

I beat on that shed so much yesterday that my arms turned into noodles and refused to work anymore. That was the plan. I stopped working when my hands failed to grip anymore, and I had accidentally flung the sledgehammer through the hole in the wall and down into the pasture for the second time. Yesterday afternoon when I came in, I took a nice bath, then flopped down dead for about a half an hour. When I got up I felt really sick to my stomach, and that lasted all evening. Collin and Viv had a lovely pot roast for supper. I just had some pepto bismol and water. This morning I'm so sore that it's killing my shoulders to type, and it hurts my ribs to breathe.

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