Dec 01, 2005 22:20
So tonight at iTeam we were suppose to share what God has been doing in our lives. I am not someone who typically shares. Tonight I kept telling myself that I should say something, afterall God has been doing alot in my life lately and I have been thinking about that alot lately too. But there wasn't anything specific coming into my mind that I should say. And I generally feel much better about speaking up if I keep hearing myself say "I should say X, I should say X" and I know what I am going to say before I say it. So I figure that tonight was not the night. With my extreme level of exhaustion its kind of a relief because I would probably start a train of thought and then completely lose it and start daydreaming right in the middle of my story.
On an entirely different note:
So today was the first real snow fall of this winter. And every year on this day, the vet student completely lose their minds the moment they pull into Parking Lot F27. Someone decides that if we cant see the little white lines painted on the lot then its a free game to park anywhere. And every single year we getting an email saying if you parked three deep would you move your car. Why would you park three deep?
Speaking of being inconsiderate:
So I've been in a pseudofunk today. And I was thinking back to what started it. I came the conclusion that it was due to three things 1.)pms (I know its a cop out, but I'm using as a reason, not an excuse) 2.) lack of sleep plus excess stress 3.) Last night in lab we were suppose to share a lab/ surgery table in lab, so that there were two sets of pairs, total of four people together. And my partner was great but the pair (actually it was three people) that we shared with (who I do like and normally get along really well with) was very inconsiderate. Some of the surgical instruments we were using, were given to us as one per table, and as soon as we sat down they took these and we had to ask multiple times before they shared them with us. Then one of them made a comment about how I should have said thank you when I gave it back. That really ticked me off, it was our forceps, "our" forceps, the four/five of us. Not theirs. They didn't need to hog it. And they wouldn't share the surgery light with us, even though they were practicing a superficial procedure and we were working way in the back of this dark hole.
Anyway, I know this was a long ramble/rant, but it has been irking me since last night. And I fully realize that I shouldn't take in personally but thats what happens when it occurs with factors one and two from my above list.
Something completely different:
I really need to find a new filter for my humidifier. Every time I pet Kisa, we get zapped, and neither of us really appreciate that.
If I had to choose one word to describe myself right now, it would be "exhausted"