Apr 04, 2006 13:06
Two things: alright, maybe a few more.
I will not be taking the job at the vet most likely, the mamger is calling me back but I don't think it is worth the pay and hours cut I would take.
One sad note: My mom called me and said that she just got back from taking the dog to the vet. We have a 12 year old Daushund/Beagle mix named Ginger. She is my little monster and I miss her alot. She was having problems with accidents in the house, which she has never had before. It has been happening for a while. They can find no medical reason that she does this. My dog goes to the vet I used to work at, so they all know me and her there. The doctor found out why she is doing it - she only started after I moved out. She was and is that upset that I am gone that she is urinating in the house because I am not there. Now I feel horrible. But that makes perfect sense. Nothing physically wrong, started when I moved out, she does not do it when I come home to visit, I moved the cats away. That jsut broke my heart. My parents might get a cat again to see if that helps :) BUt I feel so bad for my little girl
Next very ironic sad note. I have a minor in political science, I love law stuff and the like. So I move to Detroit area......and I get a call for jury duty in Bay City!!!! Suck!! So I had to tell them that I dont; reside there and was excused. BUt I woudl have loved to do it!!!
In a bit of good news, both the people who irritate me at work are sick!!! SO another peaceful day for me. I figured out that I love work when those two are not around. So a couple of not bad work days in a row!! Still persuing the massive job hunt, but figured out that I need to move up the scale and not down it.
In still more news, I have decided that from now on I will take one hour every night and have it be "me time" and I will not sit in front of the computer to IM, or LJ, or myspace, or job hunting. The last one is the big one. I will dedicate time to paint, read, practice, play with twins. At least an hour every night to keep me sane.
here is a little bit of advice to leave everyone with... DO NOT be a-holes to your friends. True friends do not judge and do not lay guilt trips on each other. They support each other in their own life choices, even if they do not agree with them. Don;t worry, I am not refering to any of my friends on here, I love you all :) BUt I have a friend who is being a prick right now and it is sad because we used to be close.
But anyway, Things with Pat are excellent again - we got more settled last night. So no worries there. KOI tonight, good times of course. I love being alone at work!!!