More Republishing

Feb 22, 2023 13:55


So a day or two after my last post, I went to upload the Kindle version of the second edition of Beyond the Ocean's Edge: A Stone Island Sea Story.  The process of doing so went well, but later I discovered it was "blocked."  They said it wasn't different enough from the earlier version to publish.  Anyway, ended up modifying the earlier version... new text/interior and the new cover and it took it. Same for Sailing Dangerous Waters: Another Stone Island Sea Story.  They kept the same ASIN numbers... but if one goes to get the Kindle editions of these two books, they'll get the newer editions
One can still find the original edition of the paper back on Amazon, and there probably wasn't a conflict with them as they were not published through KDP, but rather were distributed to them via the original publisher, Ourtskrirts Press.  And since I've broken off with Outskirts, what's available on Amazon is what is left from the distribution set up.  It would be nice if they sold, but as they cost more, I can understand if they don't.

More next time,

P. S. Finally getting back to reading on a regular basis.  Just finished Ashur's Tears by Bill Riley.  While it's written and marketed as YA or Juvenile Fiction, I enjoyed it, even if I'm at the opposite end of the age range.  Now I need to read the next one.

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