Republishing Update

Feb 12, 2023 13:01

The second editions of both Beyond the Ocean's Edge: A Stone Island Sea Story and Sailing Dangerous Waters: Another Stone Island Sea Story are now available, at least in paperback format.  As it is, I need to get busy and order some author copies to have on hand.  I do have an arts and crafts fair coming up in a month and a half or so, and it would be of benefit to have some in stock.

Took two tries to get Sailing Dangerous waters to pass the review process.  Sue, who has been helping me with editing , interiior design and cover design had to tweak a little on the cover and then it went just fine.

Next step in the process is getting them both on Kindle.  She sent me the files for both last night, but in a quick review I noticed a couple of glitches.  Told her about them and hopefully she'll have corrections back in a day or so.  I know that one can use what they upload for a paperback to create a Kindle version, but I've been told you get better results if you submit/upload material specifically tailored for Kindle, so that's what I'm doing.
Here are a couple of hopefully better pictures of the covers.  In fact these are the ones that will go in for the Kindle editions.

One of these days, perhaps I'll get back to posting Thoughts on Writing!

publishing progress, cover art, self-publishing, misc

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