More of the Story

Nov 30, 2021 19:57

#AmWriting #IndieAuthor #WritingCommunity

Darn it! I'm falling behind again.  So to remedy that, here's a bit from Chapter Seven, "The Isle of Wight," from Darnahsian Pirates: The Third Stone Island Sea Story.

Photo of a picture of "Old Ironsides" created by Anders Anderson, a friend of my grandparents back in the 1930s when the historic vessel was on tour and in Puget Sound.  It's one of my prized possessions and may be one of the reasons I developed in interest in the age of sail.

The next day, Pierce rented a horse.  He chose an older animal which appeared obliging and steady.  He told the livery man the horse looked as if it needed a walk and some trust in her ability, rather being passed by for youth.  He rode easily along the road to Newport and soon overtook a wagon loaded with rum barrels.  Approaching at a walk, he hailed the wagon driver.  He was the very individual who’d provided Pierce a ride on his first visit to Newport and the Smythe household.  They exchanged pleasantries, the driver remembering the young officer he had met several years ago.  After a few minutes conversation, Pierce said his good-byes, lightly touched the horse’s flanks, and spurred ahead along the road.
            When he arrived at the Smythe cottage, he was again struck by its appearance of benign neglect.  Now, the place seemed even more unkempt, but that was to be expected, with Smythe being gone the past few years.  There was only old Hiram and Gertie to look after the place, but Evangeline would not hesitate to take part in the day to day operation of the house.
            With that somewhat oblique thought, Pierce’s mind returned to the reason for his visit.  His horse snorted, shied sideways and settled down.  The noise was heard inside, for an instant later a dog barked.  “Junior!” Pierce called.  The bark’s tone changed from warning to whining anticipation.  The door opened and a multi-colored dog bounded to the gate, tail thrashing the air.  The horse reared at the sight of the dog, but Pierce soon brought her under control and dismounted.  Evangeline followed Junior out of the cottage.  She opened the gate and in an instant the canine was at Pierce, whimpering with joy.  Pierce bent down to ruffle the dog’s ears, and was in turn licked thoroughly about the face.  As he temporarily tied his horse to the dilapidated fence, Junior ran back and forth, excited and overjoyed to see him again.  Then as Evangeline came nearer, Junior inspected the various shrubs in the immediate area and decided one or two needed watering.  Pierce and Evangeline embraced, a moment long anticipated by Pierce.  As they ended the first kiss, she remarked, “I should not have let Junior out.  You taste like dog.”
            “But is there a better hound to taste like?”
            “Agreed! Now if you’ll get your things, I’ll see to the horse.”
            “It’s just us, dear.  I’ve gave Gertie and Hiram a few days off.  They are in Gosport, visiting family.”
            “The lad?”
            “He is here, of course.”
            Pierce untied his bundle and lifted it from the horse.  The beast nickered softly and blinked her soft brown eyes in appreciation.  He handed the reins to Evangeline and headed inside.  He clucked his tongue and the dog followed him.

story excerpts, #amwriting, #indieauthor, pets, #writingcommunity, misc

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