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Mar 06, 2009 22:17


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錆び付いた車輪 悲鳴を上げ
僕等の体を運んでいく 明け方の駅へと

寄りかかる君から伝わるもの 確かな温もり



同時に言葉を失くした 坂を上りきった時
迎えてくれた朝焼けが あまりに綺麗過ぎて

笑っただろう あの時 僕の後ろ側で
振り返る事が出来なかった 僕は泣いてたから

一番高い切符が行く町を 僕はよく知らない

入場券を すぐに使うのに 大事にしまった

おととい買った 大きな鞄
改札に引っ掛けて通れずに 君は僕を見た

頑なに引っ掛かる 鞄の紐を 僕の手が外した

響くベルが最後を告げる 君だけのドアが開く
何万歩より距離のある一歩 踏み出して君は言う

「約束だよ 必ず いつの日かまた会おう」
応えられず 俯いたまま 僕は手を振ったよ

間違いじゃない あの時 君は…

風よりも早く飛ばしていく 君に追いつけと
錆び付いた車輪 悲鳴を上げ

泣いてただろう あの時 ドアの向こう側で
顔見なくてもわかってたよ 声が震えてたから

約束だよ 必ず いつの日かまた会おう
離れていく 君に見えるように 大きく手を振ったよ

世界中に一人だけみたいだなぁ と小さくこぼした

錆び付いた車輪 悲鳴を上げ

Rusted wheels give out a cry
And carry our bodies to where dawn will arrive

I pedal, and on my back
You're close and give me a sure warmth

On the uphill path
"Just a little more, almost there" you say from behind me in an amused voice

The town is too quiet
"It seems like we're the only ones in the world" you say in a quiet voice

At the same time, we lost our words when we reached the top
The daybreak that came to greet us wasn't all that pretty

You laughed that time, I'm sure, from behind me
I couldn't look back because I was crying

At the ticket machine furthest away
I don't really know the town where the most expensive ticket is to

In that, the cheapest one
You'll use immediately on the platform, but you treasured it

The big bag you bought the day before last
Got caught in the ticket machine and couldn't go through, and you saw me

Without our eyes meeting I nodded
And I let go of the string on the caught bag

A bell gives the final warning, and a door just for you opens
The distance of one step seems like a million, and as you set out you say,

"It's promise, we'll definitely meet again someday"
Without answering, I hang my head and wave my hand

There's no mistake, at that time, you...

On the downhill path
I fly faster than the wind, and I chase after you
Rusted wheels give out a cry
With all my might I caught up to the train, but
We slowly separated

You cried that time, I'm sure, from behind the door
Without seeing your face I knew, because your voice was shaking

It's promise, we'll definitely meet again someday
As if I could see you as we separated, I gave you a big wave

The town became bustling, but
"I feel like I'm the only person in the world," I said quietly

Rusted wheels give out a cry
And carries only me left
A faint warmth

translation, bump

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