/needs to do something besides sit on LJ

Mar 05, 2009 00:35

That aside.

SO! For the Japan trip coming up in April, I got my itinerary. :D I have like, 2.5 free days and we stop in Nagoya for a total of 1 MINUTE hot shit. Anyway I talked to Kahoko and we are going to hang out I'M SO EXCITED!!... We're going to Akiba because both of us have never been. lololol I'd ask my other classmates where they're going to school but idk what their mails is...

Anyway, kawaii_kenshin and demonicfangs you suck because now I




Carry on.

So. I'm like halfway done with my bridge, hopefully it can hold crap. T_T I'd better come home early tomorrow (EARLY RELEASE FUCKYEAH) and finish it up, then test it. Because if I put the weight equivalent to 5 bricks on and it breaks, uh... :| Unfortunately the bulk of my schoolwork is making up my physics work and also the Japanese worksheets. I... think I can skim my book for government, urg it's not a bad book but all ever Casey assigns us is reading...

I think I can hold off on the worksheets though. I HAVE TONS OF TIME TOMORROW I CAN DO THIS!!! go me

Also paint meme, DO IT!

日本, cosplay, school, homework, lol, life

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