Vesper/Duke Roger - Open

Jun 01, 2008 18:27

It was a fairly pleasant afternoon, alright as pleasant as it could be at the moment.  Assignments had gone up and Vesper found herself without an inmate, not that she should complain, but it could be a few days of being bored and restless until she had gotten her assignment and could do work.  A bored accountant wasn't necessarily the worst thing on earth, but for her it meant sitting back and watching.

It couldn't be all that bad, she reminded herself as she moved about on deck trying to find a place to sit and enjoy the afternoon sun.  Well, it's better than being an inmate.

At one point, Vesper thought she could be an inmate, betrayal is a high crime to most, but she became a warden.  It was almost merciful relief.  Still, she was here and not in hell or where ever it was that souls or people went when they died.  Small thing to be thankful for.

She sighed and leaned against the rail, hands clasped and eyes looking to the sky for a moment.  Restlessness and boredom was slowly taking her and she pushed away and looked for someone to converse with, may as well mingle now.  Maybe find a friendly face and talk.

open, duke roger

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