Snug little Hope house

Apr 23, 2011 22:31

I am so happy and content here in the new flat. It is small and snug and it feels like living inside a hug.

A stranger would walk in and wonder what on earth makes me so happy about this place. It's a fairly ordinary flat, nothing startling, clean and neat and well organised.

But for me, this is paradise. No carpets to collect dust, low ceilings and thick brick walls to keep the heat in, a kitchen where I can reach everything I need without taking a step. Almost all the clutter gone, just a few precious things but nothing objectively valuable.

It feels like I finally have the simplified home and life that I've been craving for the past 2 or 3 years.

Glinda is not entirely satisfied, but she's getting there. The main problem is the back yard, which is mostly paved over with some narrow garden beds around the edges. Glinda has decided that this counts as 'indoors', and therefore she cannot use it as a toilet. It took me a couple of days of staqying home and not walking the dog to realise this. Poor Glinda got a bit, um, bound up. So now we go out walking every day, sometimes 2 or 3 times a day, and this is good for both of us.

My bed is the same bed I've been sleeping in for 6 months, but it feels so much more peaceful and comforting. The bed is blissfully soft and level. I suspect there may have been a slanting floor in the old bedroom, but never thought to measure it with a level.
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