Sep 16, 2009 17:44

Oh, God, I'm so sorry I haven't been updating. School and life has been extremely hectic, but I'm going to do my very best to become constant with my updating again!
'Cause I miss you guys...
[I'm currently in a GameInformer mood, so, congrats! A listy entry, because it saves time and appeals to me today.]

- OMFG I HAVE A CAR AND A LICENSE I CAN DRIVE MYSELF AROUND <333 [ridiculously proud of this]
- maybe looking for a job... maaaybe...
- Digital Photography thinks it's more important than the rest of my classes [and I want to agree with it]
- getting back into the swing of LJ, because I miss all you guys and you probably hate me for not doing shit D:
- GameInformer's new layout. [should be streamlined and sexy]
- LOWERED CONSOLE PRICES [they'll stay that way, right? right, guys?]
- missing French, considering a third course of it next semester [j'taime]
- the phrase "what is this, Horseville? Because I'm surrounded by naysayers!" [wordplay!]
- listing things in order to motivate myself towards updating more
- Jimmy Fallon likes video games? [perhaps we can forgive him for laughing at his own sketches all the time]
- diced peaches come in little plastic cups I can take to school! [this is good!]
- feeling like a grown-up and leaving the house in the mornings before my lazy father even thinks of waking up
- getting a 92 on my math report [like hell it'll stay that way]
- I could potentially sleep in the huge back seat of my car [viper warns me I better not have sex back there. I will promise "not with any boys"]
- learning how to shoot a pistol [it hurts my hands for reasons I don't understand, but the knowledge is useful]
- there is a Mountain Dew commercial with a ferret wielding a chainsaw? [why have I not seen this?]
- doing album art for a friend with a local band [it would be european folk metal if he had his way]
- apparently getting conned into doing more album art for The Ex? [it is not on my priorities list]
- coming up with a new idea for a comic and actually liking it [and using it for my senior project!]
- cute dinosaurs
- finding a cute bisexual freshmen to seduce long enough to drag her to prom [it can't be that hard, right?]
- Chris's "Safari outfit" [play that funky music, white boy!]
- rediscovering a "Children's Treasury of Greek Mythology" [it has the most beautiful illustrations]
- [it is the only thing in this world that soothes my fears about the future]
- perhaps weaseling my father into getting high-speed
- definitely weaseling my family into getting Netflix again
- looking into a PayPal account [<333?!]
- finding a new LJ layout [or, if I were cool, making my own]

- being a bad LJ friend and not logging in for like a million years D: I'm sorry, bubbies. ilu gaiz <333
- new art teacher
- cutting fingers on cans of catfood [im lookin @ u catfaceguiltypants]
- shelling out money for car expenses [why should I pay for a parking sticker?]
- senior project is now "graduation project" [doesn't stop it from blowing]
- hearing news that 358/2 Days lacks sufficient Demyx content
- finished RE5 on my own [replaying on an easier level as Sheva seems insulting to her foxiness, yet I am too lazy to do otherwise]
- being broke. [a lot]
- that fucking "jackpawt!" Pizza Hut ad [it insults the dantexvergil fan inside of me]
- Pre-Calculus [I will not need college level math, so do not prepare me for it]
- a formerly cool counselor being like "omg go 2 college rihgt aftr hiskool"
- feeling like I spend more time at school than I do at home
- "SAT prep workshops" [if you fucking explain to me one more fucking time how to fucking fill in the blank with fucking vocabulary words, I am going to slit some throats]
- the SAT [more trouble than it's worth?]
- stupid regular-level English class with it's stupid sub teacher and it's stupid stupidness
- all the regular shows I watch in the evenings have changed their schedules
- the fact I can't spend all day drawing and painting and doing artsy stuff
- how "I Gotta Feeling" is going to be, like $70 on iTunes when I decide to actually buy it [I can like mainstream stuff occasionally, kk?]
- why can't I remember to log into my dA? [why?why?why?why?]
- bureacracy [I want to be mando'a and bypass paperwork. with extreme prejudice.]
- wasps that attack my head because it smells nice
- having self-esteem pangs and blaming them on everything
- word salad
- watching "Beowulf" in English class [it is stupid and the naked scene is improbable. I demand more Angelina Jolie]
- fearing college
- inconsistent use of periods and capitalization in this entry [it angers the OCD monkey]
- Gaia's login being a fricking retard
- having wrist troubles [I do not need them now, kthnx]
- spending $90 on books on Amazon [and not getting any of them after weeks]
- needing more LJ icons but not having enough room

Currently Anticipated Things:
- Bayonetta [there will be so much DMC crossover we will all explode.]
- DJ Hero [although I will likely not buy it immediately, thank you having no moneez...]
- Enslaved [holy shit this looks awesome. Go google it, fr srs.]
- Wet [okay, it's funky and corny, but the girl is hot and I like rockabilly.]
- Borderlands [I keep hearing about it's art style, and all the reviews seem kickass]
- Resonance of Fate [kljfgkljsdkjlsdljk steampunk]
- hanging out with my senior project mentor and bashing long-haired Jacob McWolfbutt. [das right, you cut it! all the way off!]
- pretty much becoming queen of "that's what he/she said" jokes. [I am their god]
- Where The Wild Things Are [still love that trailer, go Arcade Fire]
- maybe seeing 9 sometime soon [because I hear it is the shit]
- my birthday [because of Zombieland ... and more money]
- getting out of Pre-Calculus as soon as possible [and English, and AP Art]
- getting to fill next semester's schedule with inane shit [because they cancel all the classes I want]
- having Bioshock returned to me [in, like, another three months, pro'lly...]
- eventually getting a new phone [for my own personal use]
- getting back into the LJ groove, maybe adding some new friends, etc. [I want more cool peeps! :D ]

So, yes. A ton of stuff going on, the most important stuff listed here. From here, I want to move forward and get back into the habit of updating LJ more, and getting involved and stuff! Hopefully I haven't been completely forgotten by everyone!

I hope everyone's doing well! :'D

P.S. I put a bunch of new icons on my photobucket, but I don't remember in what sections. I promise I'll come up with a list soon!

back again!, omfg zombieland, gaming, school, bayonetta, games, random, sorry, happy, lists

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