
Jun 14, 2009 21:22

Well, Friday night was a bit scary, but Saturday brought some rest and time to get back to normal. [Randomly had a panic attack late at night. Scared the shit out of me, so I spent most of Saturday morning feeling shell-shocked, slightly depressed, and needy. And then I said "screw this," did the old *hauls self up by bootstraps* thing all great action heroes do, and got on with my life. There's no way I could let myself be so afraid of something that I actively have control over-- I have enough to be afraid about that I can't do shit about, like zombie viruses or being crushed by a falling piano. Or sharks. Yeah.
So, anyway. Panic Attacks = 1, Skies = 8458248240iWin02402604692952996dxn920525025.3

Words given to me by cloudsy-tan. <3
Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you.

Kingdom Hearts: Believe it or not, I never played the 1st game. I had heard sooo much about Axel, I eventually borrowed the second game from one of my friends and spend most of the entire first half of the game shouting: "SHOW ME THE AXEL!" at virtually every cutscene. And you know, there are a lot of cutscenes. [This was pre-Demyx Skies, keep in mind.]
But, yes. I love this series, but I love the stuff that K.A. Rose has done for it more. Although, sometimes I get bored with it and move on to different things, but it's sort of always been kind of a main staple in my fandom roster.
I find myself either never taking it seriously, or actually letting it depress me. [Thank you, Nobodies, really. Like I needed ANY more angst in my life.]
And, as a last good point, it made my OTP of Demyx/Larxene possible. So there's that major luffage going on.

Icons: My early ones were crappy, but funny in a crappy kind of way. They're getting better, though, and I enjoy making them. One day, I hope someone will be browsing somewhere, and suddenly stumble upon a cornucopia of wonderful, witty, beautiful icons and be forever blessed and giggle over them and maybe even use a few for something. And I selfishly hope that that collection of icons is my photobucket, and maybe it won't happen like that, and maybe it won't happen at all, but I can maintain these anonymous dreams. <3
ooooh, I'm just like a shounen anime opening

Cosplay: I'm all bark and no bite, much like the Headshot energy drink. I do cosplay, in fact, I've even got a account that I NEVER keep up with, so...
I only crossplay, which stemmed from the belief that "I has no feminine wiles = be boy characters." That policy was created back when I really could bind myself into convincing flatness, but sometime around the con where I cosplayed Uryuu Ishida from Bleach, I realized that MY HIPS ARE EXTREMELY TRUTHFUL. And since then, I've been edgy about crossplaying... you might notice in some of the scarce pictures of moi as Neuro from the recent NekoCon, my hips are teh not-lying, which kind of bugged me.
So I'm considering revoking my "crossplay only" policy... mainly so I can maybe one day cosplay Paine, from FFX-2. [Which everyone knows I've been talking about, but have only gone so far as to collect reference pics and check Michael's for metal studs.]
My most recent possible cosplay fascination would be to go as a random S.T.A.R.S member, alongside Viper, who would probably go as Jill Valentine. [I mostly just want to run around the con with an unloaded AirSoft gun and a walkie-talkie, but, hey, whatever gets me into it. XD;; ] I like cosplaying, but I'll admit to not yet having found one where I'm completely comfortable in it. Neuro was close, but it would have been better in the blue suit... But then, people would have been like "OMFG PHONEIX RITTTTTTT"

Fanfiction: I'm one of those authors who write and write and write but never publish anything. However, I feel like this has actually been a really, really, really good thing, because most of my stuff up until recently has been bullshit. Like, Mary Sue-saturated bullshit. But I think that being forced to wait to put anything online by timidness and ignorance was the best thing possible, because it gave me time to read people better than me, and realize how much I had to work before I would be ready to submit anything good, to, like, anywhere.
So far, I've written for a lot of fandoms, including FFVII, Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, .hack, DMC, Silent Hill, and Resident Evil, but the only writing of mine online is Decline and handful of oneshots present here on LJ.
Probably my all-time favorite fanfiction author is a tie between Fenny Piper [on] and K.A. Rose [here on LJ]. They're both so freaking brilliant.
And I recently made an account, but I have literally no idea how to do anything on it, so it's empty and n00by looking. D:

Open skies: I do love the sky, despite my aversion to flying.
I'm especially enamored with blue skies, hence my username... there's just something about those insanely rich blue skies in anime that really get to me, too... like in Trigun? Yeah...
Also, large, puffy clouds are nice. I can't draw them yet, but it's something I spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about, strangely enough.
Overall, I really love open spaces, and wide fields, and open skies go along with that. There's just something kind of peaceful, yet 'shounen-anime-opening-rock-song' about them, too.
And, if you're thinking in more practical terms, you can see zombies from a longer distance away in an open field.
Just saying.

[I'm too cool to be on time]
Go to NekoCon, you Captainy Fiend! :O
Somehow I doubt he'll read this

Note: I need a "nerdy" icon. Like, bad. The WeskerWHAT one is close, but can be taken many different ways.
So, yes. Nerdy icon is required.
I should get on that.

Really not much going on, feels like. I should go hang out with someone soon, to keep from totally shutting down socially.
Maybe Sterlin.

I really feel like writing oneshots, which means I should dig out a prompt list and get to it!
[Which reminds me that I'm happy about catching up on my SuWriMo! I was a bit behind, but now I'm not! And it's not just pointless filler writing, it's stuff that'll actually one day go to use! Hoorah!]

Oh, boo, now I'm just filling space.

Hope everyone's summer is going well!
Apparently I am going to end every entry with that. Huh.

annoying you, scary, meme, random

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