(no subject)

Aug 24, 2009 17:00



Animation II


Sign Language / College Reading

Management / Office Aide

AP Computer Science

English IV



Animation II - I love this class and I'm so glad I'm taking it again and that it's my first period. Mr. Strait is a fabulous teacher with a deadpan sense of humor that I can easily get behind. Since I'm in level 2, technically independent study, he calls us the advanced group, and talks to us personally. I was actually very surprised when I walked in and he recognized me immediately, especially since there was a gap between when I took level 1 and now.
He showed off some animations, mostly from my class when I took it as a sophomore (including my animation, which he adores for some reason), to the new level 1 students. Speaking of, students. Mr. Homecoming is in it, as is Mr. ADHD. However, amongst level 2, is my creepy stalker. I'm ignoring him.
My plan for this class is to create a sequel to Robo-Ball wherein Chibo plays with his new robotic pet kitty! I'm excited, but first I have to learn how to draw ZOIDS.

AP Art IV - If the windows weren't reinforced I would have already jumped out of them. I was pressured into taking this class. Mrs. Keeton is the worst art teacher I have ever had. It appears to be physically impossible for her to wrap her mind around anything that so much as steps away from the traditional art world. That said, I am nowhere near traditional in my artwork and so we clash quite a bit, but always passively, and somehow that is worse.
We already got our supplies for the first project. On the first day. I need to work out what I'm going to do for it like, now. I'm not sure I can work it into my concentration (I'd like to keep that specifically as media of my choice - can't do that if she picks the project), but I at least need a concept I'd enjoy working on. /ponders

Sign Language - It's a filler class. I had a horrible, horrible schedule conflict and in the end had to drop AP Japanese III. /sob But Mrs. Lewis teaches ASL and I had her for sociology. She is incredibly lenient and kind, and doesn't give much work. So of all the filler classes to have, ASL is one of the best. And hey, it's just one semester.
Next semester I have college reading, which is pretty much reading quickly and writing up college-worthy summaries of it or whatever. Like I need an excuse to read, so another filler class that hopefully won't be so bad.

Management - They call it Single's Survival, but that's a misleading name. It's technically my school's version of home ec. There was nothing but this class that my counselor could put for 4th period, but again, it's only one semester. The teacher is nice but as skinny as a freaking rail! The class itself has a good atmosphere too. I'm not too worried about this.
Next semester I'm an office aide, just handing out passes to different teachers. Woot!

C lunch - Man, everyone and their mom has this lunch period! But that's okay, cos we have a table-full of all my friends!!

AP Computer Science - Uh oh. Okay I was only going to take regular but then I found out Otacon is taking AP and hey, why the hell not. Lucky for me, Mr. Gieseking is very nice and reasonable, and has a lot of credibility to be teaching this class. He reminded me of a less socially inept version of my father. :)
I imagine this class has a lot of frustration in store for me, but I'm willing to face it, I hope. I have 3, possibly 4, people to turn to in case I get completely lost (this is very likely).
Also uhm I may kinda have a romantic rival in this class. Bit of a long story... but if she gets all up ons my territory then we're gonna hafta talk. >(

English IV - Taking regular this year, because hey I'm a senior I wanna chill a bit, plus art is going to eat my soul (it has already, fuck), and the summer work requirements WERE KIND OF A BIT RIDICULOUS. Ms. Gatlin is very nice, and actually laughs and make jokes!!! (I love[d] you Bufkin but really) We have a good, vocal class too. She referenced a lot of timed writings and essays but I figure if I can survive Bufkin's AP III then I can face anything. BRING IT ONNNN.

wow I kinda degraded into capslock there at the end sorry

it's been a busy day

my neighbors, the Canadians, their daughter Charlie moved to my school. So we got there super early so I could give her a whirlwind tour of her classrooms in order. I wish I had someone to do the same for me, honestly. We're carpooling together so even though I don't have a 7th period I still leave at the same time. Ugh. Oh well, sitting in the library means I can get my work done with almost no distractions. (Except my friends who don't have a 7th and have to wait until the final bell too ಠ_ಠ)

doop doop

gotta like, re-re-re-read it and attempt to do something in return!!!!

VerusMaya II

rl: school, school: schedule

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