Jan 08, 2011 16:02

The inhabitants of the Temple were all assembled in the Dining Hall. It was a large room with high ceilings, warmed by the fire in the fireplace opposite the main entrance and several smaller braziers scattered between the tables. The three large tables, normally set side by side, had been pushed against the walls to clear a space at the center of ( Read more... )

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Comments 638

stormcleaver January 9 2011, 00:06:31 UTC
Loe didn't startle at first--he was far too accustomed to servants being skittish over the strangest things--but he did turn, and once he saw what, exactly, the young girl had screamed at, his reaction was immediate. He had a gun. He knew how to use it. And there was no way he wouldn't defend every person in here.

"Raina, do something!" he snapped at the woman, already lifting his rifle to his shoulder.

Dammit, dammit, dammit, what had Eir done?


mezzaline January 9 2011, 00:18:46 UTC
In one minute, Mezzaline had been walked down the forest path, admiring the stark shadows the cool moonlight created.

In the next, she appeared inside a large hall. Her immediate reaction was confusion - where was she now? What had happened? What was this room that looked nothing of the buildings in Erremal?

It was pretty, at least. It could use a few webs, but then those weren't to everyone's taste...

Mezzaline cast a glance around the room and her gaze landed squarely on Loe. She tilted her head to the side curiously.



stormcleaver January 9 2011, 00:47:08 UTC
Oh, it talked. Wasn't that lovely? A monsters that could say "ow" when he shot it.

Not that whether or not it spoke made a bit of difference to Loe. A talking monster was still a talking monster, and a monster was a danger to Vertiline. There was no way he was going to allow that thing to get out of this room and into the country at large.

Rifle at his shoulder, Loe paused long enough to take aim...and fire.


mezzaline January 9 2011, 01:12:41 UTC
The bullet tore through Mezzaline's side and she shrieked, blue blood pouring from the wound. She doubled over to cover it, her hair falling over her eyes.

She had to move. She was in danger.

But there was nowhere to go.

Still, Mezzaline skittered backwards, baring her fangs. It was a movement of instinct, of desperation, rather that true aggression.


bloodswan January 9 2011, 00:09:35 UTC
Raina was sure her eyes were playing tricks on her. She was expecting humans, warriors and mages like the times before. Eir had been so reliable with her magic that she had never thought to doubt that something sometime might go wrong.

But what other explanation could there be for Eir calling monsters into the Temple itself?

She heard the girl behind Loe scream, and Loe calling her into action. Lacking her weapons, Raina grabbed the chair nearest to her and went for the the gryphon on her side.

"Eir get them out of here!" she yelled over her shoulder.


bondedgryphon January 9 2011, 00:17:57 UTC
Zhaneel didn't know what was happening; she was disoriented and confused. A moment before, Vikteren had been holding open the Gate as they waited desperately for Skandranon to reappear. However, the surge of magic seemed to expand and she cried out as it swept over her ( ... )


bloodswan January 9 2011, 00:29:46 UTC
Raina felt a surge of pleasure at landing a solid blow on the gryphon. It wasn't enough but it was a start. The creature was startled, and Raina swung once more, trying to get its head so that she could knock it out. It wasn't the only monster there and they had to keep them away so the rest of the servants and workers could get away without being injured.

The damn thing was fighting back however, and Raina grit her teeth, awkwardly handling the chair.

Why wasn't Eir doing something already and sending them back?


bondedgryphon January 9 2011, 00:43:13 UTC
Zhaneel hissed, beak parting as she glowered at the woman. Her moment of distraction, however, lends to the leg of the same chair catching her just above the eye. She screes softly in pain, jerking away as pain blossoms and her vision blurs on the left side ( ... )


forestcalf January 9 2011, 00:54:00 UTC
Fillin, unlike the others, had not been standing in one place. He had been moving from table to table and decoration to decoration, ensuring that every little detail was in place. This mean, unfortunately for him, that he was very far away from Loe or Raina's protective custody when the Called--er, monsters? Oh no.--appeared in the hall.

And then Loe fired his rifle, and Raina threw a chair, which meant that naturally Fillin needed to do something, too. Sadly, he had neither rifle, nor chair, so he instead opted to play to his strengths and use whatever else he had.

He lifted a tray and...offered it to the Called around him. "Hors d'oeuvres?"

[OOC: All comers may interact with Fillin! Have at him!]


dovewithadream January 9 2011, 01:06:39 UTC
Kobato fell and fell hard as the weight of the person holding her suddenly disappeared. Dazed and confused she manages to push herself up with only a little trouble. Once she makes it to her feet she takes a look around.

A hall?

That's not right. She was just with Fujimoto-san and now she is...where is she?

Then a man walks up to her. When he offers her the plate she just stares. He says something. It sounds like a question, but she doesn't understand the words. She tries asking him one of her own in Japanese.

"Um, Sir? Where I'm I?"


forestcalf January 9 2011, 01:44:55 UTC
Oh dear. The poor girl doesn't speak Common. Fillin has, fortunately, learned a great many languages. Japanese, unfortunately, is not one of them.

Lucky for Kobato, Fillin does have a communicator handy, and he is quite adept at typing with one hand. He types out a message, waits for the handy translation feature to kick in, and then holds the communicator up so that Kobato can see what he's written.

"Welcome to Vertiline! My name is Fillin. Would you care for something to eat?"

It would appear he is quite good at predicting the questions people usually ask when first Called to Vertiline.


dovewithadream January 9 2011, 02:06:26 UTC
She just watches as the man, instead of responding, pulls out a phone like thing and types into it. After a minute he turns the screen around so she can see it.

"Oh! No thank you! I'm fine."

She waves her hands quickly while she talks.

"That's nice of you, but um...what is Vertiline? I was someplace else just a little while ago and..."

She cuts off as the commotion in the center of the hall catches her attention.

"What's going on!?"


heavyweaponsbot January 9 2011, 01:14:28 UTC
The terrain changes. The signals and feeds pouring in from the others are gone. It's a sudden, sharp cessation of contact he'd never felt in all his long life. His forward motion from the desperate, headlong flight from the site of the explosion carries him a few steps away from the others, and he staggers.

Air works through his systems in ragged "gasps". Optics flick around the room, at the panic, at the unfamiliar human. This is not Egypt. His cannons unfold, and he sets his arms. It's only then that diagnostics inform him that he has nothing to fire with -- no ammunition. No nothing. As if something has sucked it all away.

Ironhide bellows, in sudden, wordless rage, in confusion. He brandishes his empty weapons anyway, his voice a roar.

"What is the meaning of this!"


theycalledme January 9 2011, 01:28:12 UTC
Jack had fallen before, so the sensation itself was new. However, Jack had never fallen while half-asleep and groggy. That's what this felt like. It reminded him of when Aku had flung him into this distant future.

His surroundings aren't taken into account, not beyond the giant hunk of moving metal he was about to land on.

The metal beast hollers and Jack lands on his outstretched arm in a crouch. His eyes narrow as he flips off the perch in a blur of white and lands in front of Ironhide.

Did Aku send him? His hand was swift to reach for his sword which was now missing. "My sword!" He looks up at Ironhide, face full of confusion and rage. "What manner of sorcery is this?"


heavyweaponsbot January 9 2011, 01:39:49 UTC
The Autobot snarls. Something else is wrong. Either the human facing him is massive, or... no. That's not possible. His frame can't be altered. Where are the others? Why can't he feel their signals?

"You tell me!" he snaps back, training his cannons on the stranger. "What have you done to my weapons!"

Ironhide doesn't really ask questions. Not when he's angry, or confused. Or a combination of the two.


theycalledme January 9 2011, 01:45:36 UTC
Jack is not moved by Ironhide's snarling. He's faced mechanical beasts before, so it's not like Ironhide is exactly foreign to him.

Still, it is not like Aku's minions to attack unarmed.

"I did nothing to your weapons!" Jack protested, incredulous. "What has Aku done with my sword!"


pimp_hat January 9 2011, 01:26:12 UTC
One moment Kevas is watching a mansion burn down and the next he's in a...temple. Fantastic.

For a few seconds Kevas stood in stunned silence, and then the shooting started. Instinct took over at that point and Kevas ran, keeping his head low. There were too many people around to stealth. Better just escape in the confusion. Although being the only seven foot, green troll wearing a hat and covered in blood kind of makes you stand out.


shocksanglocks January 9 2011, 01:28:44 UTC
Hey, it's a furry purple thing covered in blood. He kind of could pass off as something from Haven, so Tess taps him on the shoulder from behind.

"Hey. Mind telling me what's going on?"

She tries her hardest to sound frustrated.


pimp_hat January 9 2011, 01:36:00 UTC
When Kevas feels someone tap his shoulder, the troll whips around to grab them...and then immediately relaxes when he realizes it's a ladymon. Even better, she isn't trying to kill him.

"Hell if I know ladymon but I ain't stickin' round here."

Not with all the gunfire and screaming anyway.


shocksanglocks January 9 2011, 02:39:50 UTC
If he'd grabbed her, she'd have him on her shit list faster than he could apologize.

"We can't just leave, I mean they threw us this nice party. Let's have some food then we can leave."


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